Dead Leaves (day 847)

Strolls through the park now are filled with dead leaves

Dead leaves float down from shifting canopies
Deciduous trees slowly sway with mother earths soothing motion

Dead leaves blanket soiled paths laid through summer
A softening, deadening all sounds of scraping dirt
But shuffling along as I push forward

Dead leaves dance with discarded cones
Tossed away in haste during a squirrels preparation

Dead leaves share with me a full spectrum of browns
Reds, oranges, greens, purples, blacks
As they run the test of time separated from their lifeline

Dead leaves tell of turning seasons
Lazy summer indulging into autumns necessary storage
And clear nights turning into frosts morning

Dead leaves share with me the art of romance
Harmony in age
Holding hands with Mother Nature
As she guides the procession forward

leaves on the path