Flying (day 2990)

A game against the marshy stars
Took me here to revel in patience
For in the stars beats many hearts
Long forgotten and passed away.
But to my open heart they pass
No longer grasping at the past
But into a moment of peace
They look for what they’ve sought.
Can you run, can you speed,
Can you live my heartstring beat,
Can you pass me from my emptiness
To the great transmission home.

Betwixt a Star (day 2134)

Let me thank you for your moment
For loving me for a moment
I saw it in your eyes then
I saw it in your eyes.

Like finding a new blossom
Betwixt winter’s long cold
Your heart rolled open then to me
Your heart rolled open, then.

Which put a smile upon my face
So deep it almost hurt
Together we saw a galaxy afar
Together we saw our star.

Sparks (day 2079)

Wait for the moment
Should ever it arise
Feeling of fire
Deep down inside

Each forever moment
Should any desire
Oh thy heart asunder
Deep down inside

Lace is your habit
My open skin
Protection is frivolous
Deep down inside

Darkness is silence
Blonde a habit
Sparks are our evening
Deep down inside

Wide Eyes Ready (day 2074)

Tomorrow, when I go for a walk
It’s not going to be just a regular walk
Through trails I’m familiar with
I’m going to turn a new corner
Into a world I’ve never seen,
Parts only open to wide eyes
Like these eyes will be
Tomorrow, when I go for a walk.

And if it should come
To the end I never expected there to be
I will sit down upon any stump I should see
With my wide eyes ready
For what they once could not see
And I will pray to the Gods
Should they be listening to me
For one sweet moment
To ponder
If I have been set free
And if it should come.

Just Maybe (day 1751)

I don’t want a perfect you.
I don’t want an imagination
Resting on commercialized ideals
And mis-spent laments.
I want your messiness and chaos
And moments that urk me,
And crazy eyes and silent times
And hugs that will never end
Because forever is a time
I will be left thinking of you.
And just maybe,
If I count my lucky stars enough,
I will be right there
Next to you,
Winding my clock backwards
Elongating time to expand
These moments that make up you.

Jamie Lee Mock - Ned Tobin - Urban Sunshine
model: Jamie Lee Mock of The Fresh Method and Moonbrew Tonic

Precious Moments (day 1445)

Precious moments found inside silence,
Inside floating,
Inside crisp envelopes
Opened with a sharp knife,
Wait like a foreign Uncle
Who’s unaware of customs,
Unaware of time changes,
Unaware that foreign currencies
Cost in translation.
Precious moments are our forgiveness
And our floral holiday
Lightly cloaked in a daydream.
Hot sun on the patio
And sirens invisibly floating by,
Followed closely by breeze
Amongst full branches of a willow
And a lost call of a gull,