Goodnight (day 842)

…and in the end
I could hardly think
I could hardly spend time walking
Late at night
Without a thought
Rummaging through my mind
Shifting from
Left to right
Whimpering at all lost kisses
Lost thoughts
Instances of connection
That could have lasted
Had I not been
Lost in my own thoughts
About leftover madness
For who then
Should I say

Aside (day 832)

Things I’ve left behind
Oh, things I’ve left aside
I’ve walked along the road
And down, down, down the ol’ block
Hands hidden deep
Beneath layers upon layers

Oh why did I sleep
Why did I take that lonely step
These times as they’ve left behind
Oh things I’ve left behind
Drag on the changes of my mind

Where does it go
Tell me, where does it all go
When I’m occupied
Searching for changes, aside
Oh, the things I’ve left behind
Why did I stop, time on my mind
Stumbling down this block

Without (day 771)

Without words no man can swallow
Without ideas no man can think
Without legs no man can follow
Without heart no man can provide
Without hands no man can support
Without eyes no man can sympathize
Without toes no man can wade
Without fences no man can defend
Without green no man can spring
Without skin no man can feel
Without hair no man can mind
Without voice no man can speak
Without you no man can be free

Thee Traitors Guilt (day 770)

If I should sing to let it out,
Let mine heart come before my throat.
Should I to throw it all away,
My guard so closely held to me,
So tight thy clutches keep it by,
That even I can scarcely cry.
It fills the rivers, flowing high,
With demands; spent at last.
Where should I take to plan again?
If never again to hold thy hand.
But my sorrow does not weigh thy down,
It chases thy mind, late at night.
Curling it’s distant cries tightly
Around mine enemies to bring them near.
For you have neigh been gently to
The brow of which is mine to frow.
Like dandelions reach’d a state decay’d,
A tiny orb of gone with the wind,
Gently swaying to and fro
In the cool mornings dewy glow.
For now thy knoweth why
I sigh into the songs I sing,
Why I shall carry upon my back
This choice of burden, this gunny sack.
It holds the damage done afore,
It bleeds the blood that once before
Bled about my conscious’s sleeve.
But swept away like wind that’s come,
It’s found it’s way: burden upon my back.
For when I speak to hear mine words,
What beckons my mane to question thus,
Are simple words, beseeching thy:
If not for I, whatever for, dear?
For if not for I then what is left?
Surely there must be something abreast.
If not for me, what good is thee?
Have I becometh thee traitor’s guilt?
Have I been loved by an unformidable cloak?
Damaged doth my thoughts become,
Left to stew about in gloom.
So out! Be gone with it then!
Let love be gone, at once have truth,
Make speed to return here once more again.
For I shall find in my path tomorrow,
A heart that fills my heart still more.
So let it end, this ghastly sorrow.
Be off with it then, gone in the wind.

Beacon of Hope (day 750)

It was gravity that pulled apart my soul
Placing memories into the future
Scattered across untrod landscapes of distant lovers
And pulling down on the edges of my smile

-Here I was thinking I had answers
Solutions to problems surfacing on my mind
Yelling at my little conspirators-

I am a little pinnacle of hard edges and rounded corners
Flashing my bright colours at the kaleidoscope
Busy with horrors that meet my sight symmetrically
Echoing late memories lingering amongst cobwebs

-Did I plan this with my own innocence
Or was it ignorance that left me helpless
Learning from my cold teachers with ill humour-

Crashing down into piles of oozing thoughts
Broken secrets and unanswered love notes
This is not a rehearsal for faint memories
This is a beacon of hope in a sea of madness

Graceful Gestures (day 735)

Without gratification
What is effort
Want not what’s inside thou?
That reaches up and loves
Out from wings
Across flexed shoulders
High fleeting arches

And swooping
In graceful gestures
A ballet in space
Through my mind
About this land
Carrying delight
Future’s happy ending

And if laughter
Hits upon our open ears
Crawling out
From behind buttercups
Hiding away beyond
Sharp morning frost
We shall also reach
Extension of vertex
Temples of power
Strength in mind

Then so it shall be
Shared, you and me
An old oak tree
Wings about thee
A picnic
Of thoughts
Of exceptions
Of projections
Of imaginations

Riga - 201209 (39 of 605)

Up and Up then Down We Go (day 734)

En isolato the clock ticks forward
Tick & tock it directs me onward
Pulling at societies: always awkward
Grasping hold of moments with lard
To fill the soul and clear the mind
Enjoying a well laid, plentiful dine

Did you reserve the right to dance
Alone along the south of France
I parked my boat and let it float
About the bay beyond the moat

Where mysteries remain
Amongst flowers and wild dames
I pull a cloak about my shoulders
Wrapped around my full mane
But can not moonlight keep me sane
When wild animals fight their bane
Surely I have myself some tame
Innocence that allows me to remain

And up and up and up we go
Falling down like flakes of snow
It’s letting go that pulls me up
Where rapid breath removes my glow

Forever After (day 711)

Silent wishes drift upon my heart
Lifting the spirits of unnamed maidens
Cooling the late evenings breeze
To just about long pant weather
My mind washes over the condensatingly
Fresh glass of beer
While the sun drifts lazily behind the horizon
Like the wandering bumblebee
Long shadows form, reaching out in desperation
Away from the dying sun
Projecting from the adjoint plane
Between the erect tree and well watered grass
And I drift lazily off into dreams of the future
Following love forever after

Lilac Bushes and Green Pastures (day 706)

Your pleasure dances daintily around my mind
Lilac bushes and green pastures
With a pond to walk around
A silk tipped hat, a pretty bow tied
About your supple pink cheeks and curly locks of hair
That is where we dined by the pond
Amongst willows and butterflies
Laughing as we nibbled on butter cookies
Tea kept warm by the knit cozy pot
While lounging guests strolled to and fro
Our minds weren’t on them
As we played our cards in the game of courtship
Flashing wild jacks and jokers that shined
But it grew upon a time for us to resign
Bidding each other a farewell, adieu