Past Prime Ministers (day 690)

I name off the past Prime Ministers of Canada
As I vigorously make love to you in the night
This helps me accept the fact that
I’ll be slipping with my consciousness soon
Lapsing into a nether region where
Hawks and eagles walk among men
Tipping their hats in respect for animals while
Dining on fine wine and inhaling Cuban cigars

It’s not that I don’t enjoy our time together
Or that my nether regions don’t explode with furious passion
In the presence of your captivating demeanor
Sensuous curves and inviting aroma
I quite like it actually, appealing to all my senses
I just like to dream of Fantasia
Land so vividly different to familiar Earth
A dreamscape of my own devices
Rhythmically naming the past Prime Ministers
And rattling the headboard of your mothers bed chamber