Into the Morning (day 404)

Everywhere I go I fall in love
Some of these things I just can’t help
When I take to wandering the streets
Just following my nose around in a way
I could only be me in being
I find that I fall in love with the streets around me
With an essence that erupts from my being
A way that is the only answer
When it’s what you begin to learn
And after the thought has left your presence
The night is all that is left
It still lingers on
Carrying you into the morning with a swing

I Asked A Girl (day 394)

I asked a girl to fall in love with me today
She didn’t answer my question
Instead she waved, as her train rumbled on
From her window seat into tomorrow

I asked a girl to fly away with me today
She cried: “It’s not fair, you’re there and I’m here”
We then continued, as we had before
To talk of our luck and fortune

I asked a girl to sing to me
For I had heard her sing before
She blushed for me, smiled a little
The heaved a great big breath

I asked a girl to walk with me today
Into the park beyond the houses we see
She grabbed my hand and swung with glee
As we stepped into the light of the day

I asked a girl to hold me tight today
She complied and wrapped me up real tight
I didn’t ever want to let go of that
So it’s here, that I stay, forever

I Can’t Love Anymore (day 378)

I can’t love anymore
It’s been pulled from my sinner
I’ve played it through the wide eyes
Of innocent women
I can’t love any more
It’s time has come
Lost amongst the widowed brides
Thrown down against the rocks
And pushed out with the mornings garbage

For too long I’ve said I’d remember
For too long I’ve cried un-dropped tears
Left for the fall
Left for the hope of one

River’s Edge (day 374)

The strings of love pull at your every crevice
Letting the edges stretch just a little bit further
Towards the towns that you’ve never visited
Listening to the songs that make you feel
In a way that you remember how you used to feel

Did you ever put down the crayons
Pick up the bullet
Let loose the canyons
And howl at the wolves?

I’ve crawled back into my tent one thousand times before
Like the thoughts I’ve held onto ever more
Tomorrow I walk into the night
Leaving behind me the silhouette of what I used to know
In a way that I remember how I used to feel

And the paint begins to dry
Sloppy spots sprayed off the pages
Canvas caked with intentional strokes
Drying up by the rivers edge

Bella (day 332)

I will love you
Even without you with me
Bella, you are always with me

I will share with you
All my cookies
Bella, you are always with me

I will always be
Sold by the eyes of you, love
Bella, you are always with me

I will love thee
In spite all the misgivings
Bella, you are always with me

Bella, come home to me
Make me a happy man again

Poor Silly Darling (day 301)

Poor silly darling
With her eyes open so wide
It’s such a shame
The moon passed it’s time
Sailing the dark seas
Forever calming
Amongst the rustling leaves

Poor silly darling
With her arms so comforting
They haven’t told stories
They’ve shared life
With the ailing soldiers
They’ve doped dressings
Amongst the morphine lectures

Poor silly darling
Who I love there so quietly
Books on her lap
And her feet resting flat
The river that runs
Along high mountain plains
Is always cold against the virgin skin

Still Alone (day 231)

Your love
Frothing at the mouth like an innocent child
Capturing little bits of humanity
In the deep holes of sanity

Innocently proven
Archaic amongst the spellbound
Glistening like the deep cold waters of the full moon
Only shortly lived, disturbed in a quick splash

Go ahead
Run the rivers wild into the jungle deep
Call out crazy like the impossible memories
Green and charming, still alone

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Yuletide (day 215)

The holidays
Yuletide care
Bring out the charm
Loved ones dare
Attention is given
Toward the presents
And all but forgotten
The meaning of giving
It’s not a chore
To rid of at last
It’s a thought, a need
That is filled in with love
We remember not thoughts
But a burden of debt
A propagation of lust
A desire we’ve been told
Lets grow our own hearts
To a size of a tree
Lets share our time
With the ones that we love