Seperatism loses me
It’s a lost art
Guided by a nobody train
And nobody to sing
Nobody has sung.
I look into your eyes
And I see missing
I see wallowing sorrow
And a stained glass window
Echoing a cold statue
With angel wings
We can be friends
But I wont ask to meet you there
Walking alone
Listening to nothing more
Than each voice inside my head.
Tag: lost
Time Spells by Fragments
Time has begun to fragment:
Lost time, woven time
Shared time, alone time.
Time better spent,
And time well spent.
Time’s fingers tap
My beat
And scratch raw
Skin beneath my beard,
Transfixed upon
Scaling multiples
Woven as fabric
That erases
What was written
Upon Season’ blackboard.
Yet still,
No time spell has taken
My tomorrows
Nor my todays,
Just my dreams
– Idle as I may exist.
Time shifts
And I shift
Though no spell broken
Save that of waking
Amidst time’s fragmented
And I, lost
Spending my time well.
Gain the Experience
What is my experience
Loaded from past perceptions
Blood is the feeling
Dance like a zebra
A jungle in the desert
Beat ever pounding
Inward inward inward
Fading out
And lost.
So It Came (part XIX) (day 3191)
There began ever increasing
Social codes
Codes of conduct
Policed by each other
Isolating the dissenters
And promoting the followers
Cults began their rapid ascension
Hate cults
Fear cults
Separation cults
Control cults
And secrecy grew
As honesty was lost
For it was Fear who said
Honesty could not be shared.
(part XX)
Warm Shoulder Tenderness (day 3150)
Early one morning I was out banging rocks
I saw a young lady, she looked long and lost
I asked her her name
That’s when she cried
Into my warm shoulder her sorrowful thoughts.
There’s the blue skies to look at,
The trees to go in,
The birds always calling
To give you a friend,
There’s the clouds that have every
Masterpiece within,
And I’ll be here, Honey
Forever, Amen.
That’s when she caught me to give me a kiss
One mighty big one I’d forgotten I missed
She leaned in and looked up
With those beautiful eyes
Into my warm shoulder her wonderful bliss.
When the wind blows and the sun glows
My eyes take to close,
Just like when my girl goes
To lean in, so close,
Into my warm shoulder her tenderness grows,
Moonscape (Slight Return) (day 3127)
This has not lost the love
That faces each dawn
Of pre-existing metamorphisis,
It calms each mind
And inflates the salt
So that each lick tastes
As cunning as an advance should taste.
Each realm of unforseen
Crackles in the evening fire
As weapons of speech
Flicker off the far wall
Of the darkening cavernous region
From whence they have come,
Waiting for the moonscape
To return to the land
Nigh (day 3108)
Forgive me
If it is not in my name
I cannot blame the moon
Nor can I blame the season
I cannot source my troubles
From elsewhere in the land
For I am me, this being,
Standing and worn
And it is I
Who hath lost all
That receives me
Into my good nature.
Deception (day 3099)
My only extension
Roared of hypocracy
Idling in a low gear
Sunlight and one tear.
Yet the meaning rebounded
Off greying walls
That were held on by nails
No chance for escape.
But slowly it seeped in
With melting droplets
That rivers are made of
And deception is lost.
Wander To Withdraw (day 3049)
I wandered here as if lost
One eye on the path
The other asking my Gods
What makes a Man a Man.
I saw sunlight between the boughs
I saw spiders in their webs
I saw the great Fir’s bark
So cavernous and traversed.
I felt deep inside my heart
The partridge that took flight;
So close and thunderous,
So quickly she was off.
I saw the dam the busy Beaver built
Saw his second one too
Which made me feel like an invader
A secret nest so wild.
Then I turned at a landmark
Headed towards where I knew
And back to my familiar trail
To home I then withdrew.
Calling Home (day 3046)
I wrote a letter calling home
From 2000 kilometers away
Wishing all that read out loud
A happy day as well.
For I was writing from a home
I’d found out on the road
With a companion I knew by name
She smiled at me knowing so.
She wished me a goodnight each night
Just as I shared with her the stars
That made our night sky so bright.
I wrote home telling them all there
I wouldn’t be home as I’d said,
For I was lost into her arms
Just as I’d hoped I would.
But not to worry about me more
I’d be along in due time
For many plans still waited for me
Many tools still called my name,
Many hours at what I yearned to do
Would soon be my willing hand.