Tomorrow (day 2896)

I’m sorry I missed you
I woke up too late
My usual alarm didn’t wake
I choked down my tea
And ran out the door
Forgetting my phone
To let you know
I’d be a little late
Maybe you missed me too
Maybe you didn’t go
Maybe I wasn’t meant to meet
On today

Forgotten (day 1103)

I know that I didn’t lose my answers
When I stepped off late at night.
When I closed the door and shifted sheets.
When I spoke my prayer dance to the moon.
When I laughed heartily
Allowing my soul to saturate
Every breath you exude.
Because this is my intake
And answers don’t get lost here
Where answers don’t get forgotten.

A Discussion With Myself (day 1077)

day 1
What discusses me?
Sits in its bedroom late at night
And debates.
Deliberates and swaps memories
With fact like evidence.

day 2
What discusses me?
In a large cozied pot
Of herbal mint tea leaves.
A fortune read.
Visions undecided.

day 3
What discusses me?
In my discussions with my lonely mind,
Flip-flopping wrinkled sheets
That crease my minds
Soft footsteps
Through lazy Sundays.

Revelate Your Soul (day 652)

I’m bad baby
I’ve got the dog pound taking notes
I’ve been eating leftovers for breakfast
That’s how late I stay up
Let the top down
And the bomp-ity-bomp bomp
I’ve been level with these gangsters
Pumping rap-techno outa their
Candy apple Civics
I’ve been laying low in this ghetto
Pullin raps outa these brainz blown
Cause you know I’m built
On layers of soul, soul baby
I’ve got soul, soul baby
You’ll be bumpin there
In your same mistakes
Your bitches be walking sideways
Cause they’re all screwed up
All screwed up
Listen long to these lines
Cause they’ll revelate your mind, baby
They’ll revelate your soul
I’m rollin’ out

Whispered On Breezes (day 411)

And why did I cry those symphonies of sadness
Gloating in my fear of change and misunderstanding
Shivering in my woven cottons, thick with dew

And why did I turn on the sad songs late at night
Darker than the dreams threaded upon the weary roads
Wilder than the rivers yet to be crossed

And why did I put out the white flag, tattered in the wind
Sickening the neighbors with fear and dread
Inviting the armies to beat down and rape

And why did I walk the street that had no name
Windy and uneven, thin and unkept, silent and poorly lit
With hands deep inside the pockets that had no bottom

It’s the answers I hear whispered on breezes late at night

Should I? (day 76)

I’m crying here late at night
With nothing to lose
No self esteem issues
And no moral blues

I’ve wandered around towns
With games, evermore
Lost in battle mode
Given in to romance

But where is my penance
If I’ll admit to no wrong
Should I be seduced?
Should I be reduced?

Carry these words forth
To an unmanned army
Asleep in the woods
Listless and gay

For they shall know
In all of their wisdom
What then shall be done
And I shall be saved