I wanna make love to you.
Not the love that races to the end
But the love that fills the sky
At dusk,
Or that dwells deep within the hearts
Of Canadian geese in flight.
I want to make love to you
Like the lazy sunshine
That kisses with closed eyes
In the middle of a green grass field
With bees drunkily stumbling by
On sweet mother Gaia’s nectar.
I want to make love to you
So that you feel the ocean rise
And swell
And lightly float around
From pink-red starfish tides
And the slow rush
Of retreating and surfaced seaweed
That entangles your every sense
As you submit to its enveloping wetness.
I want to make love to you there
Where sheets become props
And danger lurks within our eyes
Like phantoms who’ve been hiding
For generations.
I want to be there with you
For when you play lightly the strings
Of your most sensitive song
I shall be listening
So intent on your tune.
Tag: kiss
Warm Shoulder Tenderness (day 3150)
Early one morning I was out banging rocks
I saw a young lady, she looked long and lost
I asked her her name
That’s when she cried
Into my warm shoulder her sorrowful thoughts.
There’s the blue skies to look at,
The trees to go in,
The birds always calling
To give you a friend,
There’s the clouds that have every
Masterpiece within,
And I’ll be here, Honey
Forever, Amen.
That’s when she caught me to give me a kiss
One mighty big one I’d forgotten I missed
She leaned in and looked up
With those beautiful eyes
Into my warm shoulder her wonderful bliss.
When the wind blows and the sun glows
My eyes take to close,
Just like when my girl goes
To lean in, so close,
Into my warm shoulder her tenderness grows,
Beirut (day 2721)
Every time I hear of the city Beirut
I dream of what dreams are made of
There are city lights that wave at me
With a luminosity that cuts through my being
Little chairs with patrons chilling
In a modality unknown to me
But harming with smiles
That feel half drunk and half alive.
My feet rattle off ancient cobblestones
On the better walks of town
But I find the dead alleys
And imagine how many eyes are watching me.
I have companions here
Who sing with instruments only found
Along this edge of the world
And in Gypsy caravans roaming the deadlands.
My lover sleeps with the curtains open
And silk pyjamas that are usually draped
Upon the wooden chair that’s older than I
She burns a scent I can only find here
With old books I cannot read
But admire the covers and the ghosts within
She kisses with a heavy lip
And smiles with a curious snarl
That keeps me here dreaming.
Sun Dried (day 2716)
It was late July
And there stood every Grace
Sun spots and vinegar
And a cigarette in tow.
She thought she was cool
– Dusty cowboy boots –
Humming out my sweetest tune
She smile and blew a kiss,
So I leaned to see
But missing me was the point
I left a mark on her guitar.
She had eyes that looked afar
There I, off in July
And there stood every Grace
Sun-dried windowsills
My heart torn
By the very sun
And I run so I run
And I cry so I cry
In late July I wondered why
To the sea that swallowed me
Surrender (day 2526)
How did I make it through childhood
Run the gauntlet and pass inspection
I rode bikes down bad trails
Faught kids in the schoolyard
I played with axes
And climbed woodpiles
And chased after chickens
That had no obedience
I don’t know where I went right
But I stole kisses
And drank wine
And swam in holes
I wasn’t supposed to swim in
And slept in beds
I only half knew who owned
Yet here I am
Two past an age limit
And still stealing time
To take another ride
Down A sweet street
Called surrender.
Healing Song (day 2501)
I played along a pathway
That led me to a gate
Two dogs awaited for my step
Took me far away
I stood upon a lookout perch
Vista in front of me
Here I fell into reverie
Lost in a sea of thought.
Pains that touched me
Held my hand
Cried at me in vain
Smoked me down atop that perch
Led me to my spot
For which I had been looking for
For which I had to stop.
My two dogs heard me
Which took me away again
They licked at the new wounds
I hadnt properly healed
They said to me that all in time
I’d learn to caress again
So there I lay upon the clay
One hand before my very heart
Singing the song I had to start.
Dagger (day 2359)
She sailed away into the sea
Cold as darkness could ever be
In one hand a compass led her on
The other a dagger for those done wrong.
She cursed the air from time to time
Forgetting where she laid her locket
A secret of heart she dared not share
A lover who danced no more.
It happened in darkness, dead of night
When two white doves flew the nest
Softly did the dagger slip
Into the ribs of what dared her on.
Some nights as fever woke her up
Swaying in her seafaring hammock
She saw a vision: reminisce
A Good-by kiss slipped out her lips.
And so in darkness the North Sea Queen
Sail set down for evening dormant
Watched the full moon reflect longing
A name she called no more.

Forgotten (day 2335)
I have not remembered the promise we made each other
No, I have forgot it just like the sunset we watched
And the kiss – we never shared
I did not walk those streets with you
In a foreign villa of unending desires
It was not of my hand that wrote thee thy letter
No, that would have broken my heart
To watch you walk off into the day
Of another dream I did not have.
I have not remembered the promise we made each other
And I have not watched the same movie on repeat
I do not remember curling up with you
Under my grandmother’s knit afghan,
Every time I take to my bike
I do not think of the basket upon yours
Instead I ring my bell so loud
My knees they knock me free.
She (day 2239)
She isn’t mine
She wasn’t born to me
She’s never betrothed me
Or sat long with me
Or held my hand
In the palm of her soul
She hasn’t kissed me
Or held me late at night
Nor deeply shared
Or deeply cared
She hasn’t phoned me
Or mentioned me longingly
She’s never sang to me
Or cleansed herself for me
She’s never prepared for me
Nor cooked for me
She’s not signed a letter to me
Nor wished for me
She’s never looked me over
Or looked deeply into my eyes
She hasn’t witnessed me
She’s never said goodbye to me
But I still know her
And she makes me smile.
My Chin (day 2226)
A cheap drink rolled down my chin
As I lay motionless
Stuck in a window of thought
With a naked Lady hugging my shoulder
Purring softly with a story I’m not listening to.
My eyes remember a hot evening smell
Coming from the loins of love
When I licked what I wanted to
And kissed all the rest,
Passion I long ago learned to evoke
Just like my firm grip
Of the buttox of my lover.
Drawn back in with her heat, her arousal
By a finger drawing figures I’m left guessing about on my chest
I smell her hair, tucked beneath my chin
And remember the cigar I had smoked earlier
How it had lingered in my nostrils and danced with smoke
She looked at me and kissed the liquor from my chin
Whispering words I’ve love her for madly.