So It Came (part XII) (day 3184)

(part XI)

Slowly a great divide
Began to make its way
Into the hearts of the world.
Because Fear had begun
To be passe,
A term spoke about
Only in dark rooms
Behind closed doors,
The divide became known
As Safety.
There were those
Who stood well within
The comfortable walls of Safety’s home
And there were those
That had never
And would never
Be driven by
Fear, Lies, Betrayal,
And false Security.

(part XIII)

So It Came (part VII) (day 3179)

(part VI)

And at this very moment
With Fear so alive
In the hearts of all present
In the urban forums
The urban cityscapes
With communication between humans cut off
With mis-information,
Propaganda everywhere
The Anti-Fear, the Brave
Could not be heard.
They were in fact shunned
They were told to stay home
They were beaten
They were robbed
They were shot
And they were killed.
Fires could not burn
To keep the homeless warm
For they were now outlawed.
Guns could not be fired
For they were all taken.
But nooces hung
And Nobody was present
To cheer in the face of Fear
With Fear in their hearts.

(part VIII)

So It Came (part II) (day 3175)

(part I)

Fear is the real danger
Leader of all
The most death in the world
Fear drives wars,
Hate crimes,
Abundant stress,
That zaps the will to live
Out of any who harbour him.
And Fear was let in
Welcomed in
As if being a responsible human
Was letting Fear
Into our homes
Just as Money had
Changed all our minds
So too began Fear
To change the minds
Of those who welcomed him.

(part III)

Embers of Your Heart (day 3085)

I wanted to climb into the embers of your heart so badly
That I wrote your name in ink ten times
And spoke to the Gods the colour of your eyes.
Your hair bound me in embrace,
And when I took my breath back inside my soul
It was your braided hair with its loose end
That was my direction home.

Each peak of the surrounding alps pinched the crisp air
So vividly, so clearly, that the tingling
Felt within my altitude heart
Brought a reverie so daring and honest
That even the Sun began to expose a pathway
Leading from my very spot to your omnipresent aura
I could feel beside my soul.

Various shades of darkness rode the wave of mystery
Deep within the bowels of a murky and eerie call,
And the source of each ripple floating outward
Seemed to be the very depth of my footsteps forth
Enticed by my soul belief that your chasm,
Your pulsating organ of electric arcs
Was my guiding orb I could see
Even as I swallowed water as breath
And traced the silhouetted branches
That floated above my remaining thoughts.

Ode to a Red Tail (day 3077)

In a screeching halt
The red tail swept in
Wings flashing
Gray and black
And a golden brown
Of its vibrant tail
Left me speechless
As I watched.
So mysterious,
So close to home,
So brave in its approach.
Then just as quick
Off in flight
Those big wings began to wave
Elegant and smooth
Like a ballroom dance
Off, beyond my sight.

Wander To Withdraw (day 3049)

I wandered here as if lost
One eye on the path
The other asking my Gods
What makes a Man a Man.
I saw sunlight between the boughs
I saw spiders in their webs
I saw the great Fir’s bark
So cavernous and traversed.
I felt deep inside my heart
The partridge that took flight;
So close and thunderous,
So quickly she was off.
I saw the dam the busy Beaver built
Saw his second one too
Which made me feel like an invader
A secret nest so wild.
Then I turned at a landmark
Headed towards where I knew
And back to my familiar trail
To home I then withdrew.

Shoulder Right and Shoulder Left (day 3048)

My arrow has found its definite dream
Betwixt shoulder left and shoulder right
A smile so big I knew at once
I could hide in here for more
I knew the depth had only dipped
Into still, shallow shores
So much more I felt I knew
I read it in the stars
That filled my eyes and led my arrow
Around the world and more
And back again to build a home
With a back like yours in toil
And a love that kept us up at night
Your left shoulder to my right.

Calling Home (day 3046)

I wrote a letter calling home
From 2000 kilometers away
Wishing all that read out loud
A happy day as well.
For I was writing from a home
I’d found out on the road
With a companion I knew by name
She smiled at me knowing so.
She wished me a goodnight each night
Just as I shared with her the stars
That made our night sky so bright.
I wrote home telling them all there
I wouldn’t be home as I’d said,
For I was lost into her arms
Just as I’d hoped I would.
But not to worry about me more
I’d be along in due time
For many plans still waited for me
Many tools still called my name,
Many hours at what I yearned to do
Would soon be my willing hand.

Saint (day 3002)

I want to be the Saint that took you there
Walk along the sea, tightly held
Memories for me at the edge
Grand opening of what I want to become.

There’s a secret you’ve shared with me
Uncommon in its every breath
And I can hold you amidst
Setting sun and morning rise.

Make it home so I can see
Special, this touch you share
Welcoming me, sweetest treasure
A drop in my clarity.