Mary Lazaretta Pilonne (day 2084)

You see here now don’t chya know
I was, and were, to be sure
A little tied and tried
But test it was and test me not
I set the plot and tricky thin
My sneaky ways and shifty grin
Wore me like a blade of grass
And there I was on tippy-hooves
Scamper proof and lightly tapping
Dark as night, thin as life
Working in and working out
A two by two by four my plot
Let it be known and let me not
Show the grief I never treed
For in the end I never moved
So here I am stuck in my groove.

Ceiling Lines (day 1627)

Lines upon my ceiling cause me great grief.
They are not parallel.
Their asymmetrical zig-zagging
Cover up cracks that look like
Two dimensional waves along a
Broken shoreline
Which leaves me guessing the next time
One of those waves will come
Crashing into my bedroom
As I stare up wondering the cause.
Some of the lines have even
Made their way down the wall,
Like an infection yet to be quelled,
Striking through the crown molding
And into the mauve like a sealion
At a pebbly beach in autumn.
So I close my eyes and focus on breath.

Waste of Time (day 191)

Do you think I’d let your mind roam around
Like the freedom of thought in the darkness?

Awake late at night with the creeks creeping in
A sultry Satan grows tall at this hour

Divine interplay, devise other ways
Don’t walk away from the truth of the matter

Lyrical mythicist, heavenly temptress
My eyes are on you all day through

No matter how long I spend at this daunt
No translucent luminescence is consumed

Which leads me to believe,
In spite all my grief
I’ve needlessly felt and consumed