So It Came (part XV) (day 3187)

(part XIV)

But there were still people
Who roamed outside of Safety.
They were the sinners
The witches
The vegabonds
The immoral
They were hunted
And killed upon sight
For it was Fearful
To look them in them in the eye.
They existed as people had existed
Long before Fear had set in
To the hearts of the Fearful.
They hunted for food
That ran wild in more quantity
They grew their own food
In the dirt that crawled
With worms and beetles
Maggots and flies.
They made friends with dogs
And sang to birds
But to be sure they were unsafe
For they were outside of Safety.

(part XVI)

So It Came (part XIII) (day 3185)

(part XII)

Inside the walls
Became safer and safer
So that food
Was no longer unsafely natural
It came in small packages
Properly balanced
For full health benefits
And longer life span.
Laws were no longer questioned
For they were made
With safety in mind.
Rules were not broken
For the unsafe were strictly punished
And those
Who had found success
In the early days of Fear
Were those who now ruled
In the days of Safety.

(part XIV)

Rotting Extinction (day 3170)

There were no more ways for the buffalo to roam
Fences stopped their grazing and wild land migration
Farmers began to cultivate their food with chemicals
And soon they became desired by man for their very skin
That kept them warm through the winter
Leaving the only thing they couldn’t be robbed of
Their soul, their wild and herd driven soul
Alone, rotting on the fields forever.

Let the Hearts (day 3167)

Let the hearts of ten thousand warriors
Fighting for their very food
Fill your glowing heart
And bring you the saintly touch
To heal every broken wound.
Let the hearts of a Spring sparrow
Be the outlook worn upon your sleeve
Bringing your every breath a song
That coos you into peace.
Let the heart of an aging grandpa
Fill your very depths
So that every step you take forth
Is wisdom in every touch
And a smile so deep it resonates
Like the crystal vases on the shelf
That hold a memory so strong
It’s a smile upon your face.

Singing (day 3058)

I am trying to get it to sing to me
Willing it with my mind
And even as I sit here calm
I wonder how long it will remain.

No sound do I dare make
For fear that it should be startled
On its mind, no doubt instinctual
Hunting for its food.

I listen to the night sky pass
My heart and orbs of light
My mind full of nature’s song
I hope it will remain.

4 Whole Days (day 2813)

I lost my dog a few days ago
He was my world that you never knew.
It brings me sadness
How little time he spent here
And recognizing how my own life
Moves on from his presence.
I want to remember him
In the little ways he would
Make me feel special,
No mortal soul, I should dare,
Could compare in devotion
And thus it is to the stars
– His own shining star –
That his soul shall live on
Forever in tonight’s sky.
I remember each time
He got under my nerves
He’d run around in circles
Speeding away and then closer
My blood would boil,
My temper would raise,
But as I was trying to control him
I too had to control my own self.
Remembering this, I soon found strength
To take him under my wing
And lead him forward.
Yet no longer can I share this with him
No longer is he waiting at the top of the bank
For me to emerge, amidst day’s light
Wondering what it was
That I was to get up to again.
I miss him, my friend, every part of him
Even taking the ticks out
From his thick winter wool,
I miss his little bites
And my own barking of commands
I miss him involved
In my every day routine
Scooping out food
Making him sit and shake.
I notice my changing;
It’s been 4 whole days
Since I walked through the forest
We minded together;
I notice me changing
Into without my best friend;
I notice me lingering longer
Upon tasks full of focus,
No longer taking moments
To shower some love
Upon a small beast
Whom I every bit miss dearly.

The Sea (day 2316)

I want to find a seascape
So blue and lost in space
Shining in a clear horizon
My mind shall know no pain.
Here I’ll watch albatross
Searching for some food
To bring me to a far off place
Off to the blue monsoon.
And when my heart
Sings to a wave
I’ll let it flow away
For in the sea
Sails off so free
My blue blue thoughts of you.

Jon-Jon Wood Oak (day 2085)

These days are long, my son
The grass hardly grows
And we must be keen and aware
To find what has been left
From the summer’s growing
See these cat tails?
They will do you very good
But the birch, poplar, and willow
Those will do.
For we are not the only ones
Looking for sustenance
In these cold, blizzardy days
No, let this be a reminder
That when the food is plenty
In the warm summer days of green
To eat and eat and eat some more,
For winter’s sure to come again
And we survive, oh, we do survive
We are survivors on what has been stored
During the summer days of green.

Moose watercolour painting by Ned Tobin

Initials (day 1753)

Your heart laid there
Wrapped securely to an old oak tree
That had two initials carved deep.
Your heart was calm,
Reminding me of silent moments
I’d hold my breath for
Watching a little robin
Bounce about the clearing
In search of daily food.
And the midday sunlight
That lofted my thoughts
Towards an overused chair
And a cold beer to ease the pain
Of those two initials intent.