Secretely (day 2349)

Secretly I whisper to the eyes that hold but little space for me
An awareness that belongs not to my soul of desire
But to a lost alarm clock beckoning for another hour
A window catches a blinking light somewhere in the horizon
While a cat sadly roams about the hall with a limp it cannot heal
Desolation is a lingering affair amidst night before’s busy streets
Where once fireworks begged for mercy in the air like dragons nightly play
So I shall talk at odd volumes to hear my voice again
Though no memory shall recall the words that secretly danced
Amidst uneven sidewalks of a forgotten despair.

Three Marks (day 1954)

She rode the waves of mercy
Climbing with every swell
A Venus in every mystery
Searching the world round

She cried with every bit of
Excitement in the air
Like fireworks in her eyes
A flair inside her heart

She amplified the colours
That rose so bright at daybreak
In every exhale of her breath
More mountains rose to shine

She left three marks to show the way
In a maze of lost lagoons
For every star that awoke at night
Was here for her to stay