Passive Deflection (day 2622)

Does this mean I love you?
Do your choices reflect my state of being
Or do I reflect your changing heart?
Do I passively deflect your approaches
Or do I embrace your movement of my heart strings?
For in these silent hours beside the fire
I have learned I cannot change
The heart which has affected me
Upon each midnight frame.
So then, I remind myself,
I am to be leftover in
Each moment evermore;
A fan until the end of which
I cannot say out loud,
But only in my searching eyes
I see the answer again.

Beautiful (day 81)

Lakes with glassy water
Sculptured clouds float lazily by
And a bee makes its rounds
Loudly buzzing to say hi

Sunshine, sometimes hiding
Soaking deep within
Smells of grass which I ignore
The itch; I am relaxed

A cool glass of lemon water
Lazily swinging on the porch
Soft music floats along
As the warm oven sings a song

Snoozing, with the pretty girl from the North
Even breath, tummy against my back
Flutters of a spinning fan
It’s summer again, let it remain again

*NOTE: again, I found another missing number in my catalog, so to make all right with the world, I changed the day number on this to fill in the voids. Sorry to cause you alarm.