So It Came (part XII) (day 3184)

(part XI)

Slowly a great divide
Began to make its way
Into the hearts of the world.
Because Fear had begun
To be passe,
A term spoke about
Only in dark rooms
Behind closed doors,
The divide became known
As Safety.
There were those
Who stood well within
The comfortable walls of Safety’s home
And there were those
That had never
And would never
Be driven by
Fear, Lies, Betrayal,
And false Security.

(part XIII)

Robot Spam (day 3061)

Overwhelming evidence suggests
We are no longer in the truth
Messages we receive
No longer from a voice of reason,
But instead the voice of treason
Set upon the stage so signed
In passwords and avatars
And like counts held high.
No longer is the news set straight,
Lies compounding lies
That echo in the mouths of trustworthy
Trying to think for themselves.
How can one, so misguided, so led false
Learn to find our truths?
How do we decipher them
From that abundant robot spam.