Rhythm (day 2643)

About to burst from the seams
Of jubilance and mirth
About to overflow
Happiness and cheer
About to fully bloom
A season’s fresh outlook
About to hold embrace
Like a separated singular
About to miss a crack
For every seam’s been filled

And my moon holds your moon
And we watch our moons
Dance a dance our eyes wished they were
For separate they lock
Calloused rhythm of time
To fall in to
Equinox one day.

Tenderly (day 2621)

Where has this beat departed to
– Crunching and releasing
In spite variable dependencies
Hovering dangerously close to the rubbish bin.
Can one lose this beat
So memorised by thy heart,
Yet so fragile by thy touch?
Step soundly, leave not noise
To disrupt this chemical
Leave a smile so tenderly placed
Wings of a falling leaf
Pause to embrace.

Kindness (day 2566)

I drove over the bridge today
The same bridge we first held hands under.
I didnt stop to hear the babbling rocks
That had entranced me then, that day
Nor did I stop to enjoy the walk
Down to the well cared for meadow
That had me following butterflies
From timothy to my bellybutton.
My mind today was in a stranger place
One far from your embrace,
It was lost in a world of wonder
Knowing I’m not there anymore.
I started eating your sunflowers again today
The ones we never finished
On the day before you went away,
But I must say, I am still not clear of mind
With the imprint you left on me,
Though I cannot see too clearly your face
I feel your kindness now far away.

Depart (day 2499)

Your mornings woke me every time
I didn’t know how to say goodbye
We shared love stories far apart
Just like the moon sings to each star

Can you call me on the telephone
Let me hear your voice in my ear
Though you’re standing always so near
You’re my moon I’m singing so softly to

I’m never shy as I hold your hand
Electricity from your heart in mine
There’s always warmth in your embrace
Stay beside me now, let us never depart

Scratched Reminisce (day 2495)

Our eyes were inseparable as we locked into a dance
One where you spoke in syllables that hardly touched my ear drum
My hands caressed what exposed soul draped upon my sense
To tempt me into an embrace that scratched my reminisce
From here there was much to decide, discussion upon forefront
Which way to take the night: affluent or exertion
Mind made up I hastened to amore so gently laid
And gasped as thy hand embraced the loins of my last breath.

Another Passion (day 2310)

Our passion was another passion
– Passion of instincts.
We didn’t ask each other how our days were
Or ask of our parent’s health,
Though important they were and are,
We embraced deeply
Without words to jumble.
We groped muscles
And found strings that spoke ten thousand whispers
Moving and emancipating
Tolerating and giving.
Our passion was another passion
That left our souls exposed
In clear air we shared.
We communicated with our hands, eyes,
We left no expression left un-expressed
No connection left un-connected
No moment left un-momented
Until at long last
We became one.

This Moon (day 2266)

This moon is alive
It howls with coyotes
And burns with fire
It sings through maples
Blowing softly in night air
And it dances beside stars
That wink as they move.
This moon has brilliance
That squeaks through cracks
Carefully laid to catch
Spiders and light.
But this moon speaks not a word
Lays not a sound to an ear
Because it is alive in night’s embrace
Way up high beyond reach
As a symbol to charge
What hasn’t been remembered.