Starlit Frost

Night holds grace
A wish was ever grown upon
In elegance and composure
Stillness of such starlight.
From cassiopeia to Jupiter
Horizon stretches in silhouette
Basking lay each frosty blade
Of grass now nearing frozen.
Faint rustling of thou distant river
Blends its course with swaying poplars
Amidst comes forth a lone coyote call
Right below Polaris’s mark.

Scraping Elegance (day 897)

Wouldn’t it be worth it
To fly amongst wizards
Scraping elegance
From nearby apple trees
Pressing gladly
Into mirrors of deceit

Running callused fingers
Along loosened hairs
Billowing forgiveness
Between eyes of smoke

Escaping lethargy
That grows stronger
In children of love
Screaming without fear
Naked little babies
Blinded by ignorance

There – and lost with madness
Like laughter fading
Into darkest night

Wouldn’t it?

Alehandro Philimistimus Rasumonium the XII (day 760)

The beautiful path in life
Is to divine
An elegance few are born with
Even fewer are born into
But I,
Alehandro Philimistimus Rasumonium the XII
Have both been born with it
And born into it

Watch me as I flap my wings so
Gracefully dive in the shallows
Float along proud and majestic
Understand it is a special moment
When you shall see me float by
Revel in it, consider it lucky
For it will be long before again
You shall sit as I float by

But do not worry with fear
It is I who loves you the most
So fly straight into my heart
Send your wishes unto me
I will grant them all in time
I will share with you all at once
Provide a silent show for your eyes
And I shall float along again
Through the shady overhanging
Willow tree along the edges of the pond

a Swan

Alehandro can be purchased here.