Revival (day 3004)

The end is not the end
We think we know it is;
Skinny knees lost in the breeze
Flowing through the heart.
– An awful start –
– And dust came –
Into the very spot
I had come to like so well,
And a special stop
To regain what remains…
For it is not the end,
For it is never in the end!
Just a different start
To revive this believing heart.

Symmetrical Truth (day 2915)

Questions become:
What about truth?

Along with an acre of pasture
There are moments of rain
That twist down the spine
Of Kentucky Bluegrass.

Deserted and alone
The ghosts run sordidly
Through shadows that come at dusk.

Follow the windrows
Carry each bundle lightly
With an eye for each special
Symmetrical glimpse.

Overseeing (day 2908)

What laid me here atop this mountain so
: A collection of thoughts
Reared of only my dreams.

What beauty drove me to season’s edge
: Climbed ever higher
To divine what I knew cried.

What left me open
: Observing, witnessing, counting
Driving my layers of skepticism.

Why did I not hold my here heart
Though I knew it was you
Who held such precious space
For there it was
Forgotten with the dust settled in the corner
Yet overseeing neither bond nor collection.

Wondering (day 2899)

I wondered how many stars could align
How many mistakes I could ever make
I wondered if there was any way in the world
I could ever make sense of what I could not learn.

I wondered if there was beautiful symmetry
In the colours that lay upon Bumble Bees back
I wondered if Tree had the consciousness
To let out its needles and drop all its leaves.

I wondered how Weeds felt blowing in the wind
I wondered how Evening felt always chasing the day
I wondered how Birds felt calling out in vain
And on everything dust settles like snow and the rain.

Hide and Seek (day 2885)

What did you do
When the mountain found you
Rolling over the field
Like dust in the wind
Gone in pure sin
Said the tree in the copse
For the gorge that uproared
Cleared it’s throat
In a waterfall
And clamered all down to the pond
Jumped up the bank
To hide in a den
Till the moon
Slipped behind the horizon
Then as dawn broke again
The mountain awoke
And spied what seemed him a joke.

No Love (day 2860)

There had been no love
In each open space
Found on the cobblestones.
No, each open space
Found on the cobblestones
Was toxic
Spit and debris
Dust and grime
That transcribed its years
Onto the closeness to my nose
That I could always see
Though my eyes were held afar.

Saddened Parts (day 2854)

Each saddened part of me that looses you
Slowly falls to the ground;
Anarchy amongst my body parts,
One for one is what it’s called.
There are no cryptic memories,
Just scribbled pages of a book
Bent at the corners and stained oily grey
That clearly show a worn use
Only my friendly pair of shoes could wear.
The manner at which each part falls
Leaves no question in my heart
Rummaging my old box stored away
I’ve left to dust beyond.

Agreeing To Be Depth (day 2850)

I am awoke by change
No longer mind frame
A Chancellor of fate
Calling to his wild.
Gods are word-spells
Agreeing to be depth,
For this shall – and will not –
Be a poster boy for stagnate.

Lessons are ritual,
Observation a practice,
Mind-spend: currency,
And Gaia a dotted map
For discovering a new way,
No longer to submit
Anchoring of truths
In unconscious fits
Of anxiety and loss,
Amidst coldness
With sugar dust
Toxic sold bliss.