Dogs (day 2928)

I’m going to crawl out sideways
Like I’m carrying a hard edge
My rhythms backbit the scene
So I was ongoing madness descended
No matter the words that I spoke
Two syllables released my mouth
Gravelling and loosening
With a steel shovel reminding me
That a cold soup is awaiting my return
And a method of grandeur
Has gone forbidden and exhausted
And dormant as dogs fall down.

Awash Memory (day 2845)

I no longer remember how it used to feel
Which I cannot decide about,
Whether it is a good thing or bad..
For I can only hope for desire
That becometh to mine name
So vibrant as I used to think it once was.

Nay, it was so! My mind does not deceive,
Nor has it lain dormant these so many years
For I have in the deepest of my heart
Secrets you taught me how to live.
Though placebo may sure to have been at risk
It was learned and practiced
Dare I say enhanced?
Through thy thick precision
That has held with me so many a year.

So I shall not then look back
As though it has faded to negligence.
Though sands held at repeated onslaught,
They remain through it all
Sand as it shall be left to sit
Awash in the sun.