Inner Heart

Cold pangs of my inner heart
Have wildly swung amidst this wind
Clanging loudly against
Metallic edges of home
Where doors have been hung.

To aid my truth voice
In a song of no-mans-land,
I’ve wrapped my steel blades
In a leather sheath
To keep my quivering hand
From starting in a blur.

But pangs in message
– A lonesome call beyond forest’s wild –
Share what can never be drafted,
For a dove doth always take flight
Though eye’s embrace
Captures feverishly each beating wing
Against late mornings glow.

There doth echo
Memory once laid
And dreams yet played
For in a forgotten breath
A clang, a pang,
A caress of death
Deeply embraced
Amidst this inner heart.

Cold Fusion of the Mind

Cold fusion plugging my artery
Making its way into my brain
Locked in embrace
With two swines for dinner
Make me a salad if you please.

And a winedrop
Caressing the glass window
Spilled over with a passionate moment
Left a gray cloud
Hovering closely
To the carved portrait on the wall
With graceful messages
In times of need
To all those who took to listen.

And I never left the door open
To invite all the neighbours
Though they took all the mail
And ate the fridge dry
I wore my best suits
And tied my own tie.

Who listened when the podcasts were turned on?
Will the beet juice stain
Each keyboard with fury
Slowly running down the lips
Of the sweetheart
With eyes of translocation
Heavy on my mind.

Materialize (day 3217)

The nay-sayer spoke
In his un-safe tongue
That scared the mothers
Who scolded their babies
And banished the fearless
And awoke hysteria
That ripped the hearts
From youth and bold
Who began their plotting
Behind closed doors
Until a collective vision
Cleared their minds
And they awoke

In Calling (day 3156)

The Devil came to the house today
He knocked with three raps at the door
A long cold shudder filled the room
All knowing the impending doom.
We looked each other in the eye
Not sure which of us was to answer,
So finally I stood up to go
Amicably respond upon the threshold.
Each step I took echoed down the hall
Cold stone that now creaked and groaned.
I saw upon the mirror adjacent
To the threshold to whence I went
My reflection so scarcely visible
Trembling amidst my very bones.
Slowly, as if knowing the worst to come
I rotated the door handle slowly down
And opened up the door to see
Who had knocked three raps in calling me.

Little Paw (day 3093)

I wondered lonely as a dog
Tail alert
And pointing to the stars.
A clump of grass
That has a faint scent
Now been marked
By my descent.
A marking of
A wild animal
Caused me to stay
A little while.
Rarely did
I find a path
So straightened that
I did not tarry,
Zig zag was
The route I led
One paw two paw
Three paw four,
Little tracks waiting
Out the door.

Solitary Sadness (day 3054)

I am sad
For I have not closed my door,
I have left it open to the world
That climbs and claws
To its desired height.
And my skin has begun to bleed
Where once it was supple
In rash and scale,
Blueberry wine.
I am sad
And my glasses haven’t fit
Since I sat boldly
At the ocean’s edge
Wishing I didn’t feel this pain
And could not see
Ocean’s spray.

A Path (day 3016)

I wish for you to empty out
Each basket holding you back
So that the path from you to me
Could speedily find you at.
Not tangled like a natures saunter;
Not alarming like a highway;
Tender like a flower garden
A single track runs through
Worn raw to expose the soil
Frequent use and travel;
A favourite tree along the way
Picked and always greeted;
A bush that stands so proud and full
For one sweet season of the sun;
And at last the view of me to you
A happy moment dearly awaited
Greeting from an open door
Opened at my very soul.

Spirals (day 3014)

This is fine
This spine
The Earth descends
And dances it’s secret
Towards the ancient seed
That glows
And sows
It’s endless womb
Encircling the mess
That crawls and creeps
That slime
That whine
And soon enough
Memory fades to clouds
And then before
The door
What more?
Creaking of the hinge
That leaks a light
Scaring off
The bunny
Looking back.