Discarded (day 825)

Your memory burns holes in my completed journal
Dragging the p’s & j’s around like children in a mall
Pulsing through anything close enough to shake pixie dust upon
Twirls and whistling and long jackets in the night

You’ve wrinkled my conscience into sincere betrayal
Forgotten rhythm through night’s air
Leaving stranded the automobile it drove in on
While cat walking down graces majesty

This is my heart as it dies upon the ground
Squirming into uneasy night streets
Strangled by daylights necromancing
Leaving gutters full of old class notes

Pushing (day 730)

I roll around waiting for that shit to hit my head
Spinning relentlessly in this uncomfortable bed
I know not what has passed through this body
Just fumes and discarded waste left now
Memories that don’t lead to filled in blanks
It’s crushing, this deep sadness that spins around
The scribbled out pages of stunted thoughts
I work at pulling out words, but only vowels fall out
Shifting around uneasily like a shy cowboy
Fumbling with vices picked up from long hours
Out on the range with thoughts and dreams
I roll around waiting for that shit to hit my head

Desire (day 260)

Blown in with the leaves of time
Strewn out like paper discarded
Elapsed like the growing grass

But still there escapes no figurative talk
No lively-hood of lust that escapes the drivel
Onward and upward in a spiral inward
Left for the ransacking
Two lone bowls of fruit
Monotonous in content
But alive with desire in substance

And then the snow begins to fall
Pulling with it a breath of relief
Inward it seeks for that calming nerve