Destiny (day 199)

I go through spells of masturbating and drinking tea
Drinking tea and masturbating
It’s like I have an inner desire to be some kind of
Fucking poet, wracking my brain for some utter nonsense
Only to release it with an unconventional treble clef

It’s nonsense, fucking utterly nonsense.

As a young boy I’d sit mesmerized by the flicker of
Angel’s wings floating through the garden on hot summers days
The other fellas would be off playing footy
Me, I’d just enjoy the cool breeze as I lay back
Slow buzz of another little creature coming to pry at my brain

Now, I’m wrecked with heartache that fails to leave me
Little bursts of memories that inflict me with so much agony
I’ve replayed it over and over again, each time with a new smell
But each time it lasts a little bit longer
Maybe one of these times there won’t be an ending to the sad verses

Tomorrow I’ll spit into the middle of the soup
Chanting my spells and adding a drop of blood from a virgin’s finger
I wont wake the dogs for they don’t dance with my words
They act stupid and make believe they don’t see the ghosts that I see
I know better, we all share miseries destiny

Decay (day 194)

Like the soul of the shoe
The voice in the head
The green of the leaf
The love in the night

Decay with the eyes of desire
Decay with the heart of a mother
Decay with the grace of a deity
Decay with the light of a fire

And make
The open sky of love
Fall apart into pieces
Never worn by a stranger
But the brothers of all

Crossroads (day 147)

Perhaps the end
Perhaps a mend
Perhaps a little chinchilla
Perhaps a scary Godzilla

Perhaps the end
Perhaps a mend
Perhaps the eyes of desire
Perhaps the enchanted Medusa

Perhaps the end
Perhaps a mend
Perhaps a roll of fortune
Perhaps a chance encounter

Perhaps the end
Perhaps a mend
Perhaps the change of direction
Perhaps a charming burlesque

Painfully Slow (day 123)

Slammed like a sinner but soaked like a winner
Bored with no detail, intent on the kill
Awaiting the moment of pure carnal expression
The wall remains oblique to the knots in my neck
The wall remains white with unmutilated desire
All bodies aroused, all shiny and doused
Succulent and rectified, mortified and lulled
Home at last. Together & trying to make it last

Sometimes (day 105)

I fall into a bliss
Or maybe not quite serene
But focused at any rate
A time filled with desire
Loss for right and wrong
Just an image
That fills my countenance
Nothing but direction
An end is always inevitable
But like all emotions
Like all movements
Who knows when it too shall end

Canucks (day 26)

Down by four goals
One period to go
It was less than ten minutes
That got you right here

You win with a heart
Take charge with desire
Skate till the end
That’s how you’ll win

People loose hope
People have lost hope
People have jumped on
Bandwagons are strong

All comes to show you
What support and strength
You’ve got behind you
To take down this battle

Keep the faith
Keep your stick on the ice
Lordy lordy lordy
Kick some ass in the race!