If Roads Began To Wind (day 646)

If words like these did sting your ears
If flowers no longer blossomed in your eyes
If roads began to wind for you
Forever may those distrust in me

If I spoilt the love I have today
For a love I won’t have tomorrow
Then let a darkness be the bearer
Of steps I do declare

If my virtues contrast my ways
If my habits exceed my grace
Then let my name ring out in laughter
As a man who toiled his life in vain

If a blade took my life tonight
The ice pulling down my being
If an end does finally come of it
And sets my soul to float away
Which pierces through your heart in pain
Then let your suffering be felt by me
What my dying breath shall whisk away

Death and I (day 608)

Death walked away
In silence and in pain
Beaten and afraid
Death walked away

I called Death
By its unspoken last name
Stalked it
I called Death

Death turned around
Looked at me
Quivering lip raised
Death turned around

Death and I danced
We held hands
A deep romance
Death and I danced

Death didn’t lie
It cleared the room
Dimmed the lights
Death didn’t lie

Until I cried
While Death hurried
Death hung itself
Until I cried

Four Horses (day 552)

Death brings me to you
In unbridled fashion
Ceremoniously garbed
Buttons decked with gold
Sword sharpened
Toes pointy
Hat properly feathered
Death, in it’s fantasy
Bleeding my neck
Into pale luminescence
Creeking along
In shotgun
Erect like a ghost
Proud back
Black stripes cross my chest
And four horses pull
As death bring me to you

Ganges River Dolphin (day 517)

You marvelous beasts
Perfectly sculpted
Flappers and fins
And intelligence
With little beeps
Play time

And then
With ignorance
Sweeping under foot
Today’s dirt
Old brooms
Into Ganges
Sacred flow of earth

You tycoons
You bitter old souls
Leading hands
Of rituals
Religious norms
Do you know
How you continue

The Ganges river dolphin
Will die because of you
Continued pollution
Continued toxins
Continued death
Continued tragedy
Suffers, the world suffers

Circles (day 444)

Did you wonder as I made circles around you
How long it would last until I jumped?
Did you smell the sweet aromatic essence
Of flowers I crushed for you to death?

Long lasts the memory of ignorance
That curses through your veins
Sitting there idle in your own pain and misery
Distance grows the pain of memory
For those who haven’t landed safely

In another day that crawls upon me slowly
Love wont let me down again
I shall cry with the circling eagle
Ancient gods surrender now

Despair (day 326)

Deep in despair I’ve grown accustomed to the faith
Deep within the circles of sanity
I’ve learned how to point, or rather trace
The glossy edges of vanity

And for how long does the green grass grow over there
How long does the beckoning become
All that is here and lives within the fair
Perhaps more is then left for those with some

Then, with all the crowd cheering aloud
The grasshopper will be trampled and dismantled
Alone in the wilderness the sun and a cloud
Play tricks on life and deaths sampled

Death (day 322)

Death stalks us around the block
As we shop for groceries
Death watches us sleep
As we dream of unobservable sums
Death clears our doorstep
On a windy fall night
Death finishes off the card game
Late in the early hour of the morning
Death cheers at the finish line
As we develop our muscles
Death encourages us
Standing in line for lunch
Death crosses the street
On our way in to work
Death sings a song
As we lament a bad deed done
Death cries wearily
At the doorstep of our sins
Death dances a fine jig
On the mantle of our success
And death holds our hand
As we march forth into the waking eyes of a new day

[I’ll miss you Ted]

Lost is For Good (day 137)

Lost lovers and lost sinners
Remind me of death
Accept it and rage it
Decide to eat it alive

It’ll set you not forward
If you take it to heart
It’ll teach you to crawl
If understand it you try

Wail out a beat given lonely
Narrate a poem long and comely
Never sit down in style
With past; long, gone, and well