My Little Layers (day 2095)

I was waiting for a dream
I had sent off in the mail
A letter to my name
That sadly never came.

But in all my little layers
I had followed to the sea
I waited for a crest
A wave upon my chest.

So there I sat atop the cliff
A bucket in my soul
Catching all the ether
Never held again by her.

I lifted up my downcast eyes
Horizon on my mind
A songbird came and sang to me
Carried me far off, out to sea.

Zero and One (day 1434)

I am a number that’s been picked and then released,
Signed and dotted twice and
Sealed strong with our family crest.

This is destiny in the hands of an entrepreneur,
Folding up the corners and
Wrapping tight the family chest.

Watching lights twinkle in a glimmer of urbanized hope,
Shaking off flood water and
Minding the high level mark.

Without a standard ruling system we are all zeros and ones;
Counting guides and shutting eyes
And a program we just press run.

Shoulder Blades (day 863)

I could date your exposed breast
Swim along the raw curve of your crest
Dance nimbly with the lightness in your toes
Forever fight away your foe

I could climb the arc up to your neck
Delightfully covering with sensual pecks
Draw circles in a downward spiral
Delight upon your navel

I could fall beneath your back
Hands held lightly in their attack
Your shoulder blades holding my thumb
Down the center towards your bumb

I could live in here forever
A desire exploding like fever
Setting in to depths untold
Light spaces behind me unfold

Lonely Calls (day 230)

The cool coyote called
Late that night
As it made its way
Along the crest of the horizon
Scarcely lit by the large moon
Making its slow arched escape
Into another day

Alone the tree stood
Frozen in the season
Along the crest of the horizon
Calling out to the edge
Its cousins long gone to the chain
But a distant memory still remains
Never again, the stumps burned away