Telegraphy (day 2950)

I found you in the golden era of telegraphy
Long you swept, hard you clicked
We always, forever, kept quite a line
That bounced us as if ever worn
Ever tried, ever sent and ever received.
I waited, listened, you spoke and I heard
We danced to the tune of crispy crackles
Little quips
And we never closed our doors
For we heard, and that was enough.

I Am Tired (day 2178)

I am tired
Like a sunset breeze
Bending thin shoots
On an old willow tree.
With every step I take
Dust circles out
From my heavy footfall,
And a choir of baritone singers
Follow me
Amidst my stretching shadow
And slumping aura
Saying hello to heaven.
My hands lightly rest
Upon a peeling fence post
Heavily feeling the paint
Crackle at my touch.
From this angle
From the seat of my
Creaking rocking chair
I look out over the grassy horizon
And slowly wander off
With a happy trailing thought.

Dusk in the Valley (day 1710)

Night falls in quietening circles
Swiftly crawling away in crackles,
And my footsteps leave traces for
Two days more
Until it thaws.

Just as Helios had mounted high
Upon our valleys Eastern slope,
He chased birds as frost’s glove
About, appalled,

So now we wait as new circles retreat
Into twilight’s thin air,
Blues to blacks
And a star lit map
Guides us forever home.