Business, As Usual (day 267)

I wander the streets in a seeming cloud of confusion
Faces laughing, talking, swearing in my ear
Sometimes at me, most of the time amongst themselves
And I think: “How obscure this society is,
How little their lives seem to impact mine
Yet without their nonchalance about my business
I would have no business at all”
So it is this way, that I wander through town
Looking upward at the rooftops above
Smiling at strangers, that are confused with my gaze
I notice their inadvertent discomfort at seeing my own eyes
Staring right back at them, with a smile written across their lids
But mostly I notice their interest, behind the scenes

People usually have their own agendas
Scuttling here and there to get done what is to be done
Ignorance yells at me, through some of their gazes
Yet, in some, I see interest and kindness

Today an old lady stopped me in the street
“Isn’t it beautiful” she asked of me
“Look up” I directed
As we both gazed up at the high rise
Which just then, in that moment that we stood there
Had turned a magical gold
We both realized and were inspired by the act of sharing
What a few words of kindness can do towards a better tomorrow

This Too Shall Pass (day 46)

A hurt from such a rift causes my soul to bleed; bandages cannot repress
Social anxiety, misgivings, and confusion; poor mans shoes
Die with your holy preacher man pointing fingers at the victimized
We are all to blame, says she, but you shall suffer
Rote killed the carpenter, rote riddled the masses
Smite kept the homeless alive fighting keystones and matchbooks
Desire put your holiday panicking over dark and fuming holes
But your money bought you pain that your doctor couldn’t heal

This has shaped your soul into puppets you cannot identify
Sleepless in your figure, shapeless while you work
Amongst your goblets and amulets
Hurt by your call to society you’ve never represented