The Sweet Hum (day 265)

It’s cold
I sit here alone in my car
Typing away at the soiled keys
Listening to the sweet hum of tires on pavement
Rush about me in their packaged up scuttle

But I’m bloody cold
My fingers are slowing with the intensity of their fallacy
But who cares, I ain’t fucking hungry
Save for the warm breath of an enchanting companion
Watching me as I shift the gears

I’m ok, I’ll live in the end
I’ll face the bitter truth as I walk the streets alone
Nobody feels the pain anymore, it’s just the same
The ever dying pressures of this cruel world
And I’ll be happy, I’ll show them all

..And the Cars Wisp By (day 252)

Perhaps there will be solace in the long walks upon this city
When only the pale fluorescent light above illuminates my casual walk
Sombre walk at best

When the mopey soldier drags his cuffs along the cold earth
Saying with every unconscious step further into the distance
“I’ve seen this before”

..and the cars wisp by
..and the cars wisp by

Lazy goes the spray of the fine elements of this earth
Counting the seconds as gravity pulls their souls back to where they once sat quiet
But it doesn’t hurt

Forget about the sound of the screaming bomb working its way south
Hurtling into a fearful state of recognition
Devoid of life we soar

The fog, and this light. There is no fog that this light cannot burn
There is no memory of the last time we held hands
Sombre as we walk past

Lost in the Cycle (day 174)

Abuse me, like a well worn sweater
Worn down from the gravity of time
Warmed over from a cold wind
Fall leaves, slowly spinning
Downward, with the passage of time
Upwards with the momentum of life
Through, within, alive, growth

We live in blissed blasphemy
Secretly kissing the angels
Of the memories we once longed for
To late, time doesn’t wait
Downward, downward, downward they fall
Screaming for glory, one last moment
Alive, grasping, dead, cycle

Out of The Cold (day 167)

Abound with joy she zipped up her pants
Wrapped the scarf one more time around
Before she braved the cold wall facing her

She stepped out the door into the brisk air
Cooly calm after the night whirled in her head
Like a heart worn, still spinning top

Anticipation in waiting, like the empty bowl
Full of surprises but still quite unready to expose
The vampires call now, late in the night

The steps jump faster, as joints stiffen against the cold
The bus .does. .not. .ever. come quick enough
Fucking transit, mumbled under her breath

As a lady, she smiles, ignoring the smirks
As a temptress she squirms, applauding the smiles
Alone she hurries, out of the cold

Deep Thinking (day 70)

Among the buzzards and bees
Flys swarm and stench radiates
This is death, raw and natural
Decaying corpse of blood soaked skin
And I face it, with unglazed eyes
Piercing it’s cold exterior
With reckless abandon
Ignoring the patient wolves
Hovering yonder
Waiting to enjoy their feast in peace
And I wonder…

Riddled (day 67)

Today I’ve been struck
With a monstrous blow
One that has knocked
My socks pretty low
I’ve come through a lot
I’ve battled with wits
I’ve handled fists
And avoided hits

But today has handed me
Quite a different story
Of horrible sorts
Crippled my glory
And riddled my countenance
Slapped me like banana cake
Asking me to communicate
That’s not with a date

Today I’ve been struck
With what I’d call a cold
At first I was sure
It was evil and bold
Something you’d expect
From a virus, I thought
But the Dr. was taught
A cold I had caught

Or Is It? (day 4)

Perhaps this is just a bout;
An uncontrollable, weather related
Matter, which my body will soon
With my comfort in mind
Correct itself of
Leaving me screaming for joy
Like the horrible acting
Of a clean laundry commercial

Or maybe I’m getting a cold..