So It Came (part VII) (day 3179)

(part VI)

And at this very moment
With Fear so alive
In the hearts of all present
In the urban forums
The urban cityscapes
With communication between humans cut off
With mis-information,
Propaganda everywhere
The Anti-Fear, the Brave
Could not be heard.
They were in fact shunned
They were told to stay home
They were beaten
They were robbed
They were shot
And they were killed.
Fires could not burn
To keep the homeless warm
For they were now outlawed.
Guns could not be fired
For they were all taken.
But nooces hung
And Nobody was present
To cheer in the face of Fear
With Fear in their hearts.

(part VIII)

At the Gates (day 2834)

For it was not the forgotten
The lost
Emancipated yet still beyond.
It cried in open grace
As ancient wisdom
Ran down it’s thriving face.
Ritual abided;
Nature presided.
Delicacy tingled
Down worthy veins
And touched what fettered lines
Could only whisper.
There it was;
Sunlight becoming
Brave, luminous, potent,
Crying for all that’s been lost
Yet standing tall
At the gates of judgement.

Let Them Down (day 2712)

When we’re told we’re not ok
Let them down
When we’re told another way
Let them down
When we’re told we’re not enough
Let them down
When we’re told to stay away
Let them down
When we’re told to be different
Let them down
When we’re told to smile
Let them down
When we’re told to buy more
Let them down
When we’re told to be brave
Let them down
When we’re told to find peace
Let them down
When we’re told to call again
Let them down
When we’re told to sign up
Let them down
When we’re told to follow
Let them down
When we’re told to be advised
Let them down
When we’re told to be ourselves
Let them down
When we’re gone
Let them down

Colonel Frédéric Joseph Archilles Beautenieul (day 740)

Hello my brave and valiant soldiers
At attention here before me
It is my duty today
To inform you of the
Change in sentiment exhibited
By superiors
To declare peace with the world
[insert cheers here]
After 8 years of brave battles
Valiant feats in combat
Extraordinary efforts
And a death toll I dare not count
But may god speed each one of them
[moment of remembrance]
After two weeks of discussions
Behind closed doors
Between both sides of this war
The decision has been made to cease fire
And sort out our differences
With policy changes and peace
[insert cheers here]
This resolution is encouraging
For the future of mankind
With peaceful measures taken
And cooperation in this world
Though we are soldiers
Hardened through years of combat
We fight for peace
Not to smell more blood
[murmur of agreement]
We will remain engaged
At our current bases
Secured around this land
For precautionary measures
Set in place to demobilize the zones
Troops will be sent out
To deactivate bombs,
Warheads, missiles
Any explosives laid in the ground
In this land we’ve all come to know so well
We do not want to have these years of war
Pockmarking this land we’ve all come to know
With dangers and explosives
That can effect generations to come
This will be our main job now
Of which we will carry out
For a time of one year
Upon completion, the situation will be reevaluated
And if deemed appropriate
The orders will be given
To return to our homeland
Return to our families
And end bloodshed
[insert cheers here]
At ease soldiers
The war is over
[insert cheers here]

Colonel Frédéric can be purchased here.