In Faith (day 3028)

And with that instance
I have faith to believe
That you forever astound
Each so liquid crystals
Running my core being free
And a heart
That limits no boundary
Accompanying no symphony
– Though music shrouds all around –
Given the magnitude
And settled
At the base of this rainbow
In full faith
And a tall effort
Emptying this vessel
For yet another day
Towards the space
That has always been right here.

Connect (day 2254)

Calmness is my pressure
A systematic indulgence
That crosses over boundaries
Calling names
At single use disposable users
A tire track
With endless amounts of windows
At an ocean view exploration
A landfill with no name
With no responsibility
Because nobody actually knows
Where disposable income goes
Wake up with an eye sore
And slice the issue out
Organically disposable non-issue
An ocean of non-issue
A backyard of non-issue
A driveway with no grass
Beside a lawn with perfect grass
Clear boundaries
In a global world
Indiscreet and moving
Migrating in our uncomfort
Like comfortable shoes
Worn well
While shopping for a new pair
And comfortably disposing
Of my connect.