I’ve Got A Mean Side (day 765)

It’s been my time, wasn’t your time wasted
You small time boss shaking with rage
Warning “this isn’t the usual way things go ’round here”
I know, dipshit, you’re unnecessary
Hardly a fry, five less an empty saloon
My manners were impeccable
Style fitting for the summer air
Wasting my time grounded into the road
Shake hands and show me regret
Perhaps it was due, after all
Trying too hard and against intuition
Believing too much in unproven faith
Warning signs, dead ends
Unanswered calls in the middle of the night
Past me, you can forget my time
It’s nothing to you, nor shall it ever be
I’ve got a bad side, one you cant see
Walk with me and lookout for the score
I’ve got a mean side, one with full words
Don’t remind me of your tomorrows worth

Eternal Industrialist Battle (day 165)

~ in struts the guardian ~

Work your tired little fingers
You ungrateful minions
We pay you not good enough
We demand the most of your work
And rarely applaud your efforts

But dammit! Do more work!
You’re not even sweating
And the look on your face
Doesn’t really portray the size
Of the mound I just dumped on your desk

Please, make sure this problem is eliminated
You rather hopeless child
I’m not sure I can look at you
As you sit there in your hallow
For god sakes, liven things up around here!

~ and out comes the demon ~

I sit here quietly
Constantly assuring
These working conditions
Will for-surely be changed
I dream of masochism
Or voodoo tactics
Going AWOL on this monitor
Blinking as rapidly as your ideas change
Morphing my own ideas
Into schemes of your own
Taking all our own
Efforts for granted
Feeling no guilt
At the abuse of your power
You won’t last long, asshole
At the rate you’re going.

~ silence, carry on ~