Lost Sun Wolf

Land is enough
So why do I hold
So close to my being
This building of plans
Future visions
Amounting to more stacks
Of unread books?

To see, to breathe,
To smells deeply
As I stand patiently
Watching grass blow
And clouds roll.

I try to explain
Why wolf culls are horrific,
Why medicating healthy
Is sponsored iotrogenics.

But the scroll keeps
Dragging attention
Through foreign landscapes
And cute puppies,
Into weddings of strangers
And good times
I’ve seen before
In beer commercials.

It’s ok
Because it’s too much
To take in
Especially all at once.

So I stand here,
Void of that voice
Realizing deeply
Just like setting sun
That I will be forgotten soon
And tomorrow
Which will always come
Will be another day
To try.

So It Came (part IV) (day 3176)

When the Doctors spoke up
The Government stepped in
One, Two, Three
Soon all of them
Began to speak up
For their subjects
(With Fear in their mouths
For it was Fear speaking)
An unknown
Hidden deep in their voices
Unsure and against everybody.
It was at this time
The Government
Of their loyal subjects
Began to circumnavigate
Each law the man named Democracy
Had written into books.
Soon began to realize
That only a select few people
Were able to thrive
In this kind of environment
As it so happened
And it was as it has always been
The ruling class profited
Off the desperate and fearful
Backs of the ruled.

Reality (day 2862)

Sky has turned on me
I awoke to a burning red
Dazzling my imagination
As fire so transfixes thoughts.
Then Rain began
Challenging my scales
Peaceful summer breeze
Turned torrential squeeze.
I closed the book of a window
To still my worried mind
Losing my touch
With Reality’s closest neighbour.

Sidenotes (day 2855)

I wish I wrote sidenotes
In pages of books I’ve read
The dusty ones
I tried to identify smells in.
Messy sidenotes,
Upside down
Grammatically incorrect
Meanings they’d project
To change an entire trajectory
Of the book being read;
A side thought
To my sidenote.
Clever, but not obtuse.
Maybe a little obscene.

Saddened Parts (day 2854)

Each saddened part of me that looses you
Slowly falls to the ground;
Anarchy amongst my body parts,
One for one is what it’s called.
There are no cryptic memories,
Just scribbled pages of a book
Bent at the corners and stained oily grey
That clearly show a worn use
Only my friendly pair of shoes could wear.
The manner at which each part falls
Leaves no question in my heart
Rummaging my old box stored away
I’ve left to dust beyond.

Secret Eyes (day 2764)

I heard you over every drone
That came into my eyes
Little did I know I could
Whisper every note to you
Though I couldn’t remember
What had brought me here
I slumped into your presence then
With my ginger and soft tipped pen
But you decided to remake
The last scene of every book
That had two lovers lost at sea
Who found each other near the end
But how could we remember
What had stolen each of them?
How could we begin?
I left my secrets at the door
And then I heard your secret eyes
Tell me everything again
Tell me all I had to hear
For I would wonder nevermore
As you were here as I was here
Like sunflowers in summer air
Like dandelions woven in your hair
Like cheap sunglasses you always wear
In what I see inside your eyes.

Leaving (day 2739)

Have you ever had the chance to leave your mind?
Take a running start and leave it down there
Magic in the heart and two more memories.
Makes me wonder where you’ve been gone so long,
Followin’ a path that weaves and lifts
Hollys and ferns and lichen too;
Rhythm and your blue and jubilant see
Fire in the palm of every river in you.

Happy is a guess I never dreamt for me,
I took another train through desert and stream;
Golden hours awaited at the end of a dream,
Though I never dared come again here.
Lonely is a story best served in the dark
That smells of an old wine and gold bound book,
Flipping to a page that never looked so good.
Words don’t make sense, misunderstood,
And a hollow in the voice that spoke to me.
Gibraltar in every step at the foot of the bed;
Carry it again for the weight in my head
Is following a noise at the tip of my tongue,
Carry me alone, so I’ll suffer there instead.

Take (day 2736)

This did not grow up as a chemical
We were legs and arms that took too long
But that’s the end of a string
I didn’t bring nor did I sing
But I stood there like sweet nicotine
With salt between my fingertips
That had a history of danger
So take my hand that’s never left
Joking in my Sunday best
Take me on a pleasure ride
Along the hidden tide of your good time
Take me to the ocean rise
With your breasts and lips so sensitive
Catch me in an open book
That reads like the sweet look
You’ve given to me, carrying me
Roads to anywhere that lead me to harmony
For I’m taken here with you
And I’m resting on a rock
In the middle of my thoughts
With you and a dog that took me along
Have you seen what hides in the field
What grows in between, down on the ground
My tidy shoes and a singing guitar
Take me along.

Take by Ned Tobin