Black night
Darkened entreating
Bespoke and misleading
Altered vision
And missing time.
Tag: bespoke
Awoken (day 2787)
My music had been lying
Unconscious and dramatized
– Callused time
All punishing –
To which an alarm woke
Each beast left inside
– Growling
They stood tall –
Two of them
Wore combat boots
The rest
Yelled at me
– I hardly
Heard a whisper –
And here I stood
Awoken to my rhyme
Spells in Rouge (day 1005)
A whisper so hard it broke down my spell
It scared enigma into heaven (or hell)
It washed away dirt with sputtering rains
And bellowed my sorrow into blood diamond eyes
But shivering silently in 2nd hand bespoke
Was a crimson laughter settled in with a smoke
That footsteps sung to all evening long
Fiddlesticks and canyon guns and school yard home runs
Shed not tears into these nostalgic shakes
Be not without faith, my ruby candied cakes
Memories are to guide you forth, a long settled score
Into night’s conquest march with a battling roar (whisper)
Then lifting my eyes to tender so bare
Lightening bolt shine struck with red-velvet boud-air
I shuffled to my flagpole in a partners embrace
And broke spells in a whisper, hardly a trace
Just Yesterday (day 257)
Do you remember me?
We would park down on the beach
Thinking about each others plans
Talking about us
Where we’re going in life
What our future would hold
How we believe in each other
Do you remember about Paris?
You said you would dress me in a bow
Walking hand in hand down the des Champs-Élysées
Our friends would call our names
In rich foreign accents as we passed them by
Waving casually, and going on our way
Do you think we’ll ever drive there?
Walking seems much more romantic
Then again, so does an old taxi
You in your furs and I in my bespoke
Your hair would have feathers in it
Your lace would come off black
Do you still get lost in your tea?
As you sit and stare at the leaves
Counting your black magic
Shifting your spells
Deciding when to clear the wallet
Of useless propaganda
Perhaps some day it will become old
Wrinkled from the time
But still just yesterday