So It Came (part IV) (day 3176)

When the Doctors spoke up
The Government stepped in
One, Two, Three
Soon all of them
Began to speak up
For their subjects
(With Fear in their mouths
For it was Fear speaking)
An unknown
Hidden deep in their voices
Unsure and against everybody.
It was at this time
The Government
Of their loyal subjects
Began to circumnavigate
Each law the man named Democracy
Had written into books.
Soon began to realize
That only a select few people
Were able to thrive
In this kind of environment
As it so happened
And it was as it has always been
The ruling class profited
Off the desperate and fearful
Backs of the ruled.

So It Came (part II) (day 3175)

(part I)

Fear is the real danger
Leader of all
The most death in the world
Fear drives wars,
Hate crimes,
Abundant stress,
That zaps the will to live
Out of any who harbour him.
And Fear was let in
Welcomed in
As if being a responsible human
Was letting Fear
Into our homes
Just as Money had
Changed all our minds
So too began Fear
To change the minds
Of those who welcomed him.

(part III)

So It Came (part I) (day 3174)

At the start it was subtle
Hardly really a word about it
Except for far off, distant news
What an unbelievable event
They all said
From their comfy chairs
And LED thrones.
And then soon it came
Soon it was there
As if by fire
It had been carried
Across the globe.
Its most omnipresent
Was in the fear
That was disguised
As responsibility.

(part II)

Rotting Extinction (day 3170)

There were no more ways for the buffalo to roam
Fences stopped their grazing and wild land migration
Farmers began to cultivate their food with chemicals
And soon they became desired by man for their very skin
That kept them warm through the winter
Leaving the only thing they couldn’t be robbed of
Their soul, their wild and herd driven soul
Alone, rotting on the fields forever.