Prometheus (day 1437)

Prometheus our heart,
You showed us your soul,
You showed us our folly
In our path: onward, ho!
And for what did reward
Thee heart and thee mind?
Endless prosecution
From our God of all Gods.
Zeus was your torment,
But you were our soul,
Our undying hope.
When we see a child
Hold a fresh picked flower,
When we see a dog with
Its destined companion,
When we see a sun rise
And the ocean flow,
When we see a bird fly
It’s to you who we owe.
Yet here in our busy times
We’re found looking out
Past our new ways,
Our new law,
Our new fashion,
Into eyes of distraction.
And to thee we forget;
Purely unjust in reward.
Until one final bow
My dear Prometheus,
May your sacrifice be for blessings
Upon your soul, mind and health.