Let the Hearts (day 3167)

Let the hearts of ten thousand warriors
Fighting for their very food
Fill your glowing heart
And bring you the saintly touch
To heal every broken wound.
Let the hearts of a Spring sparrow
Be the outlook worn upon your sleeve
Bringing your every breath a song
That coos you into peace.
Let the heart of an aging grandpa
Fill your very depths
So that every step you take forth
Is wisdom in every touch
And a smile so deep it resonates
Like the crystal vases on the shelf
That hold a memory so strong
It’s a smile upon your face.

Root of Man (day 2853)

The root of man shall be no different
Then the root of every tree
Growing wildly as advantageous
Over rocks upon the ground.

Each mystery of a turn
Formation of a bud
Callus of a wound, deep
Shimmering in the sun.

As seasons take their tide
Summer turns to Autumn
Transformational energy
Harvest moon howls night.

Lead the Way (day 2723)

These trees have begun to speak in many languages
To my ears that are listening to silence.
Each time Orion shines, Owl begs for a lover
While my tears dry upon my cheek
– Sap dries upon each tree’s wound,
For no wound is too deep to heal
– Though frost strikes into depths I cannot feel anymore.
Dog enjoys this silence, he hears it all
He hears what I cannot hear
Though my eyes they fight fire with his.
I leave my footsteps alone
And find a new way home, trees lead me there.
This treeline I never made yet live upon every day
Grows against my territory like Winter against Fall,
I have not become used to it
Eagerly entering into the darkened shire
With my heart freely beating against my lips
That keep pace with a dog, yet fearless
And listening to trees lead the way.

Lead the Way by Ned Tobin

Healing Song (day 2501)

I played along a pathway
That led me to a gate
Two dogs awaited for my step
Took me far away
I stood upon a lookout perch
Vista in front of me
Here I fell into reverie
Lost in a sea of thought.

Pains that touched me
Held my hand
Cried at me in vain
Smoked me down atop that perch
Led me to my spot
For which I had been looking for
For which I had to stop.

My two dogs heard me
Which took me away again
They licked at the new wounds
I hadnt properly healed
They said to me that all in time
I’d learn to caress again
So there I lay upon the clay
One hand before my very heart
Singing the song I had to start.

I Cannot Believe in More (day 2097)

I cannot believe
What continually turns me around
I’ve got ten thousand wounds
Pierced through my broken soul
I’ve spent every summer
In the winter of my heart
And the coldness always warms up
What has forever been alone
I pull apart my chest
To reveal my ancient glacier
Upon which my survivor
Wags back and forth his tail
I separate every bit of sunlight
From creeping darkness setting in
And I’m left with an aggressive snarl
Cause I’m out looking for more.