I’m Sorry (day 786)

I’m sorry for wishing upon a star
I’m sorry for shading in my grays
I’m sorry for holding my glass half full
I’m sorry for not wearing socks
I’m sorry for listening to birds
I’m sorry for squeezing my hugs tight
I’m sorry for singing in the rain
I’m sorry for dancing you around in circles
I’m sorry for laughing at the jokes
I’m sorry for whispering into winds
I’m sorry for handling the hot dishes
I’m sorry for opening your door
I’m sorry for carrying the heavy stuff
I’m sorry for kissing you under that old oak
I’m sorry for making you tea

Infected (day 758)

Your beauty is infectious
Swimming around in my blood
Running through my thoughts
Hinging my smile at the edges
Putting a jump in my step
And I kind of like it

It’s like an amarillo in blossom
Shining in the garden with wide arms
Whispering everything I want to hear
Hands resting on my shoulders
As your lips come closer
Reach out and touch something

Then I smell the answer to my life
Lingering memories I’ve never forgotten
Because you keep coming back
You keep calling my name
Out loud all hours of the night
Reminding me to never let go

For without your pulsating heartbeat
I have never lived a single day
Never felt my hair between your fingers
As I look toward the sky in bliss
Watching unnamed clouds float on by
I smile, infected with beauty and love


Touch (day 644)

When I touch you, baby
And all I feel is goosebumps
When we slow roll down
To your back and my weight
I see it with fuel in your eyes

When the light is turned down low, baby
I hear you, softly and smoothly
Whispering tones we’ve come to know
Hear me as I kiss trails down your neck
Where I feel earthquakes within your soul

And when passion grabs hold of your hips, baby
Fills you up to heights untold
Scream out; let surrender take control;
Snarl and arc and grip me leaving
Memories in claw marks over my skin

Glistening in Moonlight (day 629)

It is beautiful, your waltzes
That have stars spinning on their toes
They catch my breath in sweet meditation
While the ground parts dirt for each step
Legs glistening in moonlight
With ripples of motion and sensual glances
I hear wind whispering kisses in my ear
The same shouted loud from your eyes
I glide to the rhythm of the night
Waltzing along in the shadow of your breath
Clapping my Italian leather heels to your beat
Sending echoes down the lamp-lit street
Off into muffled sounds of laughter

Sleep (day 393)

Sleep crawls into my skin like a rusty nail
Scratching away at the inside of my eyes
Whispering softly into my ears a dull buzz
Wrapping it’s arms around my chest and slowing me down
Drafting up scripts to throw into my head
Calling my name from the freshly made bed

Sleep, in all of its wiles
Has taken control
Has grabbed onto my sails
Pulled them down
Folded them nicely
Put them away
And beckoned to me
As if only by
The lone spotlight
In the night
I am led forward
Into the dream
That I call sleep