Unattended Fire

I’m hijacking emotional waves
Leaving the strong winds
For cracked nuts
And a fire, unattended.
My teeth hurt
And my coffee’s gone cold
– Toxic lush
Even when hot.
A game, I’m gone
Struck me on the shoulder
But hoping for an open minded Lady
Who gave a wrinkled
Promiscuously acquired
Five dollar bill
To a tourist fear trap
Like a Merry Christmas card
But I’m gone
With hotel room vibes
Blinking lethargically
Stuck in deeper thoughts
That have taken me
Deep inside
This unattended fire,
Waiting for a spark to arise
Within me
Like Cupid’s golden arrow.

Unattended Fire by Ned Tobin

Comfort In Your Eyes (day 2767)

There are diamonds
That glow amber
And your eyes
That shine brighter
Each star
Burning up
In the night sky
I’m looking at.

Big old pine trees
That tell of ancient
Mariners searching
For a lost fish
Out at sea
Every wave
Shakes each stone
By my feet.

Do you remember
How far the sun goes
Before it falls behind
That yonder hill
Take me over
To the pasture
I know no other
Calling home.

Sea or Sand (day 2618)

I am an unconditional innocence
Floating upon a wave
I see seagulls and sea lions
And sea urchins miss my toes
Unlike sand betwixt each tinglingly
Refreshingly searching for home
Amidst sand pipers and sand dollars
And sand fleas and tuna salad
That I only step in
Because I like the smell of this salt.

To Love Me (day 2456)

Have you really known what it means to love me
Hand in hand with darkness we dance alone
Every little bit my heart has shaded
And I’m here again looking in.

When you slowly crawled into the waves I’ve blind
I turned my eyes with the sun following you down
Lights reflecting this glassy night
I follow the moon I never knew around.

Have you really known what it means to love me
Without softness to caress a breath I never had
Torment daily by a heart that isn’t mine
No words to call you here tonight.