So It Came (part VII) (day 3179)

(part VI)

And at this very moment
With Fear so alive
In the hearts of all present
In the urban forums
The urban cityscapes
With communication between humans cut off
With mis-information,
Propaganda everywhere
The Anti-Fear, the Brave
Could not be heard.
They were in fact shunned
They were told to stay home
They were beaten
They were robbed
They were shot
And they were killed.
Fires could not burn
To keep the homeless warm
For they were now outlawed.
Guns could not be fired
For they were all taken.
But nooces hung
And Nobody was present
To cheer in the face of Fear
With Fear in their hearts.

(part VIII)

Bushy Eyes (day 1052)

You kind of end up asking the questions that resonate, that jive, that give way to concerned thought and pulsing consciousness. But this is ok, because we’re not supposed to be answering all the questions in monotone, in urban drawl.

Suicide mission.

And when you forget where you live like some kind of filtering drain spout garberating windowless dreams down conformity’s empty hole, you hesitate to ask the questions like my three lettered ‘why’.

It’s going to be ok because I’m going to strap on my wide brimmed cap and lift my eyes towards soulless sunsets and ignore the white short legged dogs roaming these parts. I don’t pat your back because I’ve got angels leaving dust spots, I pat your back because my bushy eyes have bat one – then the other – eye lashes; together independently.

How many moon cries, moon cries.

Leave my moonshine on the dog leash and flatten my glass nose-hips to rose my soft songs. I’m not a lover, I’m a lost song with in-articulate mumbles. I’m Bob Dylan relaxing on the beach with god-spoken sun beams brightening up my day. Loose my verbage you tongue tied nymph dancing about my state of arousal.

Who’s excuse is better? Who is remarkably left alone and wishing for silence. Who’s hands are rattling about the tin drum.

Who is resonating?

In These Shoes (day 159)

Fueled by urban rush
Styling through leftover plush
The balanced hair left a little smear
Sexy walks and glaring looks

No, we’re happy in these shoes

Give me blood
And I’ll ask for scabs
Give me cocktails
And I’ll ask for napkins
Give me rainbows
And I’ll ask for the rain
Give me eyebrows
And I’ll ask for the lips
Give me hair
And I’ll fray it everywhere

Now we’re happy in these shoes