
The Way
A single heart
Forest’s path is empty
Echo is just you
Thoughts are all your own
Beyond reason.. sure
And in good nature, hopefully.


Has distant friends
And one multiplied by anything
Becomes anything
One has its beginning
A small seed
A drop of rain
A heart beat
A tongue

One’s voice falls silent
One’s sight grows distant
One’s touch is careful
One’s feelings are forever lost
In a sea of comfort in one’s own
So one grows tired
This single heart
So one’s thought may stop
Even just for a divine pause
To find one’s way

Fighting For A Softer Edge

If you give me a softer edge
I will believe in your touch
For in the grasp
Of a summer day
I remember all these dreams
And I can hear the buzz
Of the honey bee
Singing in my ear.

But if the edge continues to hone
I’ll find my sharpness cutting knots
Deep within my root stricken back
Holding me to gnarly strength.

I am the fire
Should I be struck
For I awake within my heart,

I am the dirt
That crumbles with
A slipping fist no longer clenched
No longer fighting back.

Let the Hearts (day 3167)

Let the hearts of ten thousand warriors
Fighting for their very food
Fill your glowing heart
And bring you the saintly touch
To heal every broken wound.
Let the hearts of a Spring sparrow
Be the outlook worn upon your sleeve
Bringing your every breath a song
That coos you into peace.
Let the heart of an aging grandpa
Fill your very depths
So that every step you take forth
Is wisdom in every touch
And a smile so deep it resonates
Like the crystal vases on the shelf
That hold a memory so strong
It’s a smile upon your face.

Ode To My Favourite Pen (day 3067)

I found you down a darkened road
Construction and rainy smells
Inside an old historic building
In to what felt like a historic store.
The walls were lined
With countless pens
And items supporting pens,
All illuminated so eloquently
Showcasing the finest specimens
Any penman could want.
In here I walked back and forth,
And fellow patrons wandered deep in thought,
Where finally in the deepest corner
I found you resting on a stand
Not a fingerprint laid your barrel.

And now so many years have passed
Yet not once have you let me down
Though the world we’ve traveled by foot
No wear shows upon your barrel,
Your nib a perfect flow.
And your mark has been inscribed
On countless pads sent afar
With, what I believe, quite an exquisite touch
Unique to me, my penman mark
You so critically help me lay.
I look and hold you every day,
Proud to know you by feel and weight
To have you by my side,
And to know that when I need you most
You’ll be right where I lay you down
Ready with your perfect balance
Upon paper we do play.

Anti (day 3010)

I spoke to you before the call came
Before wind swept the landscape
As barren as the cold snow felt.
I listened to you inside my soul
Open hands and an open heart
Hearing your words,
Your doubly whispered thoughts
Detailed glances
And hands that held a universe of emotions.
I waited for your touch
Like a tall Spruce tree waits out Winter,
Bowing at engagements,
Reflexing against the pressure,
Silently bearing the mounting
Depth of moonlight and dropping temperature
With a full and well understanding
That with it shall come its anti.

Saint (day 3002)

I want to be the Saint that took you there
Walk along the sea, tightly held
Memories for me at the edge
Grand opening of what I want to become.

There’s a secret you’ve shared with me
Uncommon in its every breath
And I can hold you amidst
Setting sun and morning rise.

Make it home so I can see
Special, this touch you share
Welcoming me, sweetest treasure
A drop in my clarity.

Sweetest Song (day 2997)

Sing to me your sweetest song
I heard you singing over there
Append to that a touch of heart
I crave for, like morning to start.

Should each new day
Bring me your so-sung song
I should fall into eternal reverie
At once awoke and set so free.

Long ago I wondered if
A bird’s sweet song could be sung again
And at every chance I so spun
I listened on so intent.

Then I heard you open up
With such lyric that touched my heart
At once I was deeply touched
And longed again: your sweetest song.