Collected Page (day 3220)

My page is not full
The lateral movement
Convulsing into jagged lurches
As inspiration
Tangles its heavy hand
On each seam it finds to bend.
So this wind will blow
Until fresh songs
Dance around tempting,
Gravity and reason
Forcing their hearts
Into a dance
That my mind will swing
And remember
A collection can be so empty.

Looking For This (day 3035)

I am looking for this.
All of my efforts and truths
Are running in parallel with my actions.
I am calling to my inner self,
Feeling my bones rumble
At each swing I make,
Splitting my observations into fragments
That live long in the hearts of men
Who come and sit and talk.
Yet this action has no idle,
It bears resemblance to sweat
Breaking the cloth in toil,
For when the sun rises in the East,
Each drop of frost rises
Like the man I am looking for.

Looking for This by Ned Tobin

Anchor March (day 2167)

Together we swing
On an anchor so wild:
A lesson in bloom,
To travel the world.
And when we wake up
– Upon a mountain so high –
We will carry a flag
As we’ve all learnt so well.
Our hearts are all dolphins
The sea is our goal
What we plant together
Will marry us our home.
Now leaflets and pamphlets
Cause us to effect,
Now chants and marches
Cause us to defect.
But this is our fiddle
And this is our song
Let us be the anchor
And we’ll carry on.

I Really Want To (day 2155)

I really want to
I really feel like finding the motivation inside,
To reach out and scream,
To run until my lungs are burning
And life’s pain ceases to hinder me.
I want to jump and swing
And yell like a charging elephant
With my eyes glaring down
Doers of injustice.
I want to slam my fists in to walls
And flip over tables that seem impossibly immobile
Tearing down pictures
Smashing plates and pottery.

I really feel like seeing red,
But then I remember how delicately precious
Life’s wings are
As I watch a bird fly by,
As I catch the sun setting
Leaving behind a gentle golden gradient
Filling my eyes and heart
Until my inhale matches my exhale
And my toes tingle happily at peace.

Damn Cool Man (day 1787)

I am the hipster
Fly by my pants nomad
Living by instinct
Freezing each mundane square
Inside distance I tread.
I lie awake at night dreaming,
Feeling pressure to explode my insides
Upon any medium I dare,
To swing my resources
Into left shoe – right shoe
While keeping alive the motion
Of original expression,
Dissolving away cultural expectations
As black coffee drips naked
Upon my stained fingers
Tapping lightly on my conscience,
Erupting in ecstatic orgasm.

20150912 - Ned Tobin - 42

Swings (day 1057)

Because delicate sparks
Flew towards
The sor-cerers pot.
Can you sit
For a while
Just to
Sing me a song
Like there is love
All around
You’re in love
With a sound.
Through my heart
To the ground
Beautiful words
Swing around.

[and the soundtrack to the poem, on repeat if you wish]