Daddies Rusty Gun (day 793)

I used to be a dangerous babe
Then I dashed away my stripes
And wrote away my lovers
I stuck them like pigs
Flapping in the breeze
Their hearts around my neck
In golden lockets
Blazed with scorn of time
Shifting about my mothers brow
I splattered about my mirror
My soul, so I could watch it
In pouting and daunting sex appeal
Seemingly oozing down my leg
As if spit on me by studs
Strap-backed homies with
Daddies rusty gun

I used to be a dangerous babe
Then I stripped away my vain
Carved remorse into my pale arms
And blew kisses into the wind

Shandi Fulumbatti the IV (day 677)

Papa, how come my trunk is so long?
Papa, why do giraffes have longer necks than us?
Papa, do I really weigh one tonne?
Papa, will you teach me how to spray my back with water?
Papa, where are my stripes?
Papa, can we really swim without flippers?
Papa, do you like grass or shrubs better?
Papa, will my ears grow bigger?
Papa, don’t let them take my tusks away.


Shandi can be purchased here.