Orbs (day 2966)

I’ve been wondering what could come of me
For I’ve lost my will to give
Alone out here outside of light
Forgotten down the road.
Yet every time I form the words
My answer comes alive
Taking me to the deepest roads
Where at once I come to make
A drop into my pond of stillness
Shattering all wandering thoughts
Into outwardly emanating orbs.

From this Ledge (day 1000)

From this ledge I looked out beyond,
I surveyed the stillness.
Un-avoiding brief glimpses
Of society’s marks;
Transport trucks rumbling
In and out of earshot.

From this ledge I held onto a hand,
I held on so tight to remind me
That in spite surmountable distances,
In spite out-of-control conveniences
I wasn’t alone here;
Alone in my thoughts.
This wasn’t my diary,
This was my acceptance refusal.

From this ledge I plotted.
I took every hemlock and spruce
Inside my heart and nurtured their spirit
To grow with me as I carved my initials
Into their supple skin, raw so real;
Nature entwined my soul and became me
And I became it.
And I lept from this ledge with eyes wide open.

StawamusChief-2011-06-04 (149 of 310)