Soon Spring (day 3117)

The weather is confused right now.
Gray skies are followed by white lies
That melt away into the pools,
And trees look like they’ve begun
To shoot their buds and grow.
But freezing weather makes every step
Across the yard treacherous,
And winds howl with such gusto
Makes one think it’ll never be Spring again!
Some days the sun shines
And as I wait for water bucket to fill
I draw moonscapes with my breath in the air.
Other days I take my hat
And stuff it into my pocket
And slip and slide as I make my way
Up the hill for a view
That may tell me, give me some hope,
Of a Spring that is just around the corner.

From Afar (day 3091)

Little blackbird little blackbird
You sit there so lonely
Your friends along the line
Not away, not too far.
I see you agitated
Worried and lonesome
Watching them get along
Where you sit, from afar.
Why don’t you start singing
To the day through the air,
To the sunshine that hits you,
To Spring coming in the air,
Your singing so beautiful
Would attract every ear
From Pictou to River John
From afar to right here.

Ode to Coming Spring (day 2759)

Oh deepest temptation
How you flirt with my soil
A thought of thaw, a hint of melt,
A sense of return to summers belt
But then a day so far away
Seems the Spring that once did hint
Now a freeze, frosty fence
Covering the land, so white.
Yet in my eager gait
I sense all soon to blossom
And maybe, too, I spy
A bird been gone a while.

It Is Written (day 2710)

Written amongst trees
Were love letters
Spoken in crevices
Former bud joints.

Written in dried grass
Fallen and blown flat
Mounding and rumpled
Distances still remained.

Written in birds
Soaring up high
Flying in pattern
Collecting in unisen.

Written in biting wind
Words whispered as grace
Heart pointed fleece
Blessed for disguise.

Written in flowing water
Cursing of thy veins
Flowering of all life
Love found in Spring.

Fresh Snow (day 2678)

Upon the breath
Of mornings frost
Four deer parley
Just out the hedge
To which feels so
Nearer than
Long past dreams
Shaken off
Which barks at dormancy
Like soon Spring’s bust.
Yet laying softly
Which carries remains
Of late night travellers
Snow, of course,
That came so quietly
Floundered about
Biting at the air.

Wildflowers (day 2614)

I broke into a heart today
That screamed a coyote song
An echo to my own demand
A lonesome trail seemed forever run

There was no point I could reach out
For inside this cavernous land
Ten thousand Oak stood tall and proud
Which no touch could penetrate

But she, alone, took me at last
Like wind takes up a sail
Spring at last in to this land
Where wild flowers planted in pasture.