Infinite Night Sky (day 1167)

A night sky that dances from star to star,
That takes my hand down darker paths,
Down the aisle of no-regrets that hover
Close to cavernous regions of no-ones soul.
A night sky that silhouettes ancient trees
Reflecting what little ambiance echoes out
From unsuspectingly glowing eyes.
A night sky that answers my little questions,
Dangerously scattering edges of hidden thoughts
That crawl to me naked [just like a lover].
A night sky that blinks when I blink,
Slowly remembering the far away feeling
That covers patterns and kaleidoscopes
And fills up my dreaming with geometric simplicity.
A night sky that lets our universe open
Into ten-thousand tiny little flashes
Of infinite brilliance, infinite suggestions
Of which tip-toe lightly to the tune of tranquil.

Night’s Delicate Dance (day 976)

Maybe we balanced our cross-hairs when we sent our whispers into night’s air.
A long, hollow howl,
A song to our own dainty ears,
Wishing for night to tarry while bringing us sleep

Footsteps reaching horizons edge, so evenly spaced so late in the day.
How did we manage,
How many words were pure thoughts,
Lingering ’bout our hesitant breaths like foxglove in the summer.

My moon silhouetted your name-sake tree, standing afar tall and proud.
Bloodline crawls down stony steps to waters edge,
Breaking off into still, deep black abyss
Waiting to find another whisper.