Dogs (day 2928)

I’m going to crawl out sideways
Like I’m carrying a hard edge
My rhythms backbit the scene
So I was ongoing madness descended
No matter the words that I spoke
Two syllables released my mouth
Gravelling and loosening
With a steel shovel reminding me
That a cold soup is awaiting my return
And a method of grandeur
Has gone forbidden and exhausted
And dormant as dogs fall down.

Why (day 2790)

I ask myself why
Not knowing I’ve never known

Can the silence exist
Though no soul partakes
To let the other side be felt?

Through screens
And irrational blank spots
I rush
To no spell I have listened to.

By my wild eyes
I have come here to exist;
There, too,
Shall running scenes
Invoke my childishness.

To William Lee (day 2719)

I know why you ran so far away
Not a scene could do for you
The world rambled some unfathomable blithe
And your vision clouded from contempt
Ever growing greed – lost seed
Lemonade stinking in the shade
Yellow circle glasses and a leftover jacket
Naked in soggy rows of an everglade.

I would also run away to the other side
Liberties are assumed and everybody’s ruined
And each land war is solved with a knife.
I would carry on in my inevitable way
No job calling me to pay taxes aside
Just like a hooker in the park and dark lines on her eyes
With a leather jacket man stopping by again
A bag in his hand and a promising grin;
Feeling empty again, night’s unwavering sin.

Though I tell ya William, I wouldn’t have shot the gun
I wouldn’t have taken aim again,
Party tricks and everyone’s looks
Southern games that nobody wins
Makes a man lost into the void.
But if you’d ask me to sing you a son.
Don’t expect it to sound like something you’d want to hear,
I’ll build and collapse and spit at it too
But that’s the price we pay, damn it every day.

To Be Sold (day 2103)

I laid there bleeding cold
Everything I had not seen
Now coming to my mind
Eyes fading to clean
Void and his sister: darkness
Sources of all I forgot
Laid here by a pistol
Made elaborately to be sold
In a house where everything
Is made to be seen
And there I lay motionless
No less then ever
Missing from the scene.