
What is my voice?
How does it come from within
But it is not of myself?
Would I have been wrong
To have heard it?

I bring my soul to the earth
Both by sitting upon it
By feeling it within my toes
And by listening to it
Sweet songs of assumed innocence.

But then if I stay
How long do my thoughts stray
What ebbs and flows within?
Can I settle down
Upon a dear limb
And become like green foliage?

Setting sun
Reminds me of home
So my home is where I shall roam
And here I slip back
Into my routine
Soul, still here,
Accompanying me.

Early Morning Hour

In the early morning hour
Wind seems to lay down
Rising sun sets out to warm
Every frosty blade of grass
And when my horse is saddled up
I mount my trusty steed to roam
Every bit of our home range
To find my cows and learn the land
For my life I’m setting out
Warm coffee in the morning
Another day to go about
In this early morning hour.

Reworking (day 3202)

I’ve roamed here before
Last years summer heat
Lazing about the full grass
Cautioning the flies
That swell when the breeze dies down.
These cows they look familiar
But the birds, they’re all new
They have a shrill
That reminds me of chicks
Taking flight for the first time.
I’ll watch the leaves blow
Flashing me their white underbellies,
A reminder that even trees
Have a sensitive side
And to mind where I choose to reap
So that even the Sun knows
I have heeded its cry.

So It Came (part XV) (day 3187)

(part XIV)

But there were still people
Who roamed outside of Safety.
They were the sinners
The witches
The vegabonds
The immoral
They were hunted
And killed upon sight
For it was Fearful
To look them in them in the eye.
They existed as people had existed
Long before Fear had set in
To the hearts of the Fearful.
They hunted for food
That ran wild in more quantity
They grew their own food
In the dirt that crawled
With worms and beetles
Maggots and flies.
They made friends with dogs
And sang to birds
But to be sure they were unsafe
For they were outside of Safety.

(part XVI)

Rotting Extinction (day 3170)

There were no more ways for the buffalo to roam
Fences stopped their grazing and wild land migration
Farmers began to cultivate their food with chemicals
And soon they became desired by man for their very skin
That kept them warm through the winter
Leaving the only thing they couldn’t be robbed of
Their soul, their wild and herd driven soul
Alone, rotting on the fields forever.

Dreamer (day 3064)

I am a late night dreamer.
I walk the streets
With parallel universes
On repeat amidst my thoughts,
So that each turn I make
Runs parallel to my intentions
On a highway of bright lights
Though sun has long been down.
Yet I roam here
With eyes baked in sugar
That envision it all,
Right down to the first footsteps
That I know very well
Will wake me up tomorrow.
I roam here so that I can awake
With a mind full of race horses
Excited in a freshly opened pasture
Of my tomorrow which I am now
In tonight as a late night dreamer.

Honey Bee Stay With Me (day 2451)

Little honey bee stay with me
Stay for tea and summer sun
Lingering here in Autumn day
Sweet harvest to where we roam
Toadstools, apples, tomatillos!
Hungry deer may join our cheer
We’ll find blackberry bushes near
A fruit so treasured by all who eat
Stained fingers with every touch!
Fill our bellies till we are silly
Roll around in thigh high grass
To the forest for a midday flurry
A hunt for salal and its fair berry
Garland for every arranged bouquet
That shall join us later as we sup
On lettuce and radish and beets just up
Found over, beyond the trees,
So stay with me, I’ll let you free
Wander over to the cherry, honey bee
I’ll find you just the right sunflower
To sit by, and enjoy delight.