She’s Madness (day 727)

She’s sweetheart
A thousand shades of love
Mixed with a crimson alert beacon
Signalling the end of a search

She’s madness
In peaceful laughter
Hovering around angelic
And gold spots in the sun

She’s all love
Like rainbows and
Puddles of fun
Splashing this way and that

She’s warmth
Lying on the sandy beaches
In the mid-summer heat
Floating off into sleep

She’s a tight turn
Whipping that tail around
Splashing white caps
In her hips and her toes

She’s magic
Allusions in wands
With a pot full of potions
And the power to possess

Transfixed (day 166)

Transfixed into your eyes like the splintery jagged edge of a fresh cut
Frizzy hair strokes sideways glances, advances, left alone
And a smell, oh sweet music left a stain upon my passion
Passion muted and muffled for so very long
The darkness recedes like the passing of time
Slowly your quirky edges unfold, small nets grow old
Gold filters through the leaky nets onto fresh cuts
Battling the wounds, panic recedes like the passing of time
Layers upon layers of bridled glory filling
Searching hands which seek to prophesize
Will the night sky into the day
Carry your rainbows, remember the sky

***** Looking back I realized I had left some holes in my numbering, I am seeking to fix that now.

In These Shoes (day 159)

Fueled by urban rush
Styling through leftover plush
The balanced hair left a little smear
Sexy walks and glaring looks

No, we’re happy in these shoes

Give me blood
And I’ll ask for scabs
Give me cocktails
And I’ll ask for napkins
Give me rainbows
And I’ll ask for the rain
Give me eyebrows
And I’ll ask for the lips
Give me hair
And I’ll fray it everywhere

Now we’re happy in these shoes