Infected (day 758)

Your beauty is infectious
Swimming around in my blood
Running through my thoughts
Hinging my smile at the edges
Putting a jump in my step
And I kind of like it

It’s like an amarillo in blossom
Shining in the garden with wide arms
Whispering everything I want to hear
Hands resting on my shoulders
As your lips come closer
Reach out and touch something

Then I smell the answer to my life
Lingering memories I’ve never forgotten
Because you keep coming back
You keep calling my name
Out loud all hours of the night
Reminding me to never let go

For without your pulsating heartbeat
I have never lived a single day
Never felt my hair between your fingers
As I look toward the sky in bliss
Watching unnamed clouds float on by
I smile, infected with beauty and love


Pulsating Crimson (day 683)

Destruction pulls at my madness
With steam whistles and ten year old phone books
Pages loved so much they’re retreating
While the tune of rapidly moving music
Pulsates a crimson so pure my eyes turn bold
I pour myself a glass of that ruby no label
Found deep within the dusty shelves
Of fathers favorite medicine cabinet
Sit down on the ol’ family rocking lounger
And fixate on the blinking screen
Laughing defeat into my already raging desire

Cooling (day 389)

Pulsating through my veins the strain begins to beg
Following passion through dark rooms and closed doors
Hushed whispers strain the thick air
Dense with sweat and good moods

Drinks on the rocks fuel already intoxicated minds
Smooth music paves the way to sweet romance
As sheets rustle against the low buzz of a fan
Cooling the King and Queen of this here land

Up those stairs to the balcony so familiar
Cool wind blows against exposed skin
Setting night lights deep inside the conscience
Resting the heart as it pitters and patters