Mister One and Mister Two (day 2802)

Find me if you can
I wont be singing at the gates
Found a path
That led me down a mountain road.

Came upon two pillars
I took to calling affectionately
Mister One and Mister Two.

Hello, how are you,
It’s good to find you here
I have come from far
And I’ve got a bit to go
Share a tea, I’ve got enough for three.

And a bird came
Whistling to me
That took me off
To find a beautiful melody
Since that was all
I had ever hoped
Would find me here.

Fog Horn (day 1969)

Where were you?
Alone at last and one day you will see
That my attempts to make things pass differently
Will go un-answered, un-fooled,
Soundscapes passing by my tender touches
In an envelope neatly packed so.
A heavy rain left my sweet flowers
Like pillars of a ruin,
And tapping lightly culls my darkness –
A soft smile about my face.
Willow in the season of dying
Soothes a fog horn off my ragged coastline,
I whistle into the coming darkness:
Where do you lay your head tonight?