Heavy Tread (day 2609)

My mountain comes into my cove
Of which I heavily tread
For no one knows that which I bare
No one knows my comst soul
Yet even in the deepest hour
My glow is never failed
My strongest tie can never loose
Muscles taught against the threat.

Long shall each heavy stride
Call thy legs at thou lookout
This brow upon my strengthened neck
Carries an outlook built on sweat
And living within this absolute
Blisters each creak I’ve ever known
That rests when day’s toil’s been had
When Sun bids the sky adieu.

Not Yet Done (day 2594)

I woke up to the sounds
Of a dog barking
Like a million dollar sports car.
The blue sky was making its entrance
To the brisk morning chill,
Slight pink,
And wooden planks reminded me
My work is not yet done.
So I stretch my eager muscles
Give the dog his food
And make my way for morning porridge.

Another Passion (day 2310)

Our passion was another passion
– Passion of instincts.
We didn’t ask each other how our days were
Or ask of our parent’s health,
Though important they were and are,
We embraced deeply
Without words to jumble.
We groped muscles
And found strings that spoke ten thousand whispers
Moving and emancipating
Tolerating and giving.
Our passion was another passion
That left our souls exposed
In clear air we shared.
We communicated with our hands, eyes,
We left no expression left un-expressed
No connection left un-connected
No moment left un-momented
Until at long last
We became one.