Kindness (day 2566)

I drove over the bridge today
The same bridge we first held hands under.
I didnt stop to hear the babbling rocks
That had entranced me then, that day
Nor did I stop to enjoy the walk
Down to the well cared for meadow
That had me following butterflies
From timothy to my bellybutton.
My mind today was in a stranger place
One far from your embrace,
It was lost in a world of wonder
Knowing I’m not there anymore.
I started eating your sunflowers again today
The ones we never finished
On the day before you went away,
But I must say, I am still not clear of mind
With the imprint you left on me,
Though I cannot see too clearly your face
I feel your kindness now far away.

Killing Me Now (day 2304)

I keep hoping
Against all support
That you’ll finally open
To a wonderful life
Without the pain
That’s killing me now
Lying here saddened, alone.
It is not truth
That stricketh fear upon thy stone
Or longing of thy presence, no
It is your warm touch
Instead of coldness
And the brow of kindness
Instead of the eve of sadness
Lost breath that slowly
Walks away with you
Killing me now.

Your Histories (day 2286)

I can only hold my breath
As waves of anxiety pass through me
Butterflies emanate so powerfully
From my being
Sunshine becomes hard to see
I cannot count to ten or listen
I cannot comprehend noises
Conversation becomes lost
In an inaudible sea of thought
That has found me here
Floating around your island
Out beyond the breakers in the sea;
A picture on the wall
That leaves me awe-struck
Star struck, but not star-struck,
Star struck that makes me remember
Your kindness that laughed at me
Your eyes that watched with me
Your silence that became excited with me
And your being that is
A remarkable being
A being that should rest upon silk robes
Effortlessly moving through a sea of pillows
That supports your every wish
With decadence and consideration
And space that gives you time
To remember the histories
That you have always been,
And love that has never been forgotten
In a book written long ago
Bound with two ribbons:
One of forest green,
The other of gray.

Stay the Same (day 2237)

As I step into forgiveness
Where do your soft touches go?
Sun drops touching our ground tomorrow
Oyster magic on our table goes round
Sounds of a midnight loon.

Stay the same
Stay the same
Stay the same

I am not here for your darkness
Like a widow in her healthy garden
I will step softly into light
A letter from a stranger I did not know
Tears still seem to fall.

Stay the same
Stay the same
Stay the same

Will you lift your eyes to meet me
At your sandstone arched wooden door
Will I have to forget you
Blind shall be my stepping stone
Close my eyes and see no more.

Stay the same
Stay the same
Stay the same

Like your kindness as you enter
My heart is woven ever faster
Than my feet can henceforth take me
Softly over meadow floors
Flowers in my hand remind me.

Stay the same
Stay the same
Stay the same

Then I shall not ever let you
Go a day without more laughter
Go a day without my song
I cannot say without this flutter
I see soft horizons ever after.

Stay the same
Stay the same
Stay the same

I shall depart and let your laughter
Be the log jam of my spring
So that soon my winter prior
Shall be our summer blossom orchard
I shall hold on.

Stay the same
Stay the same
Stay the same

In your absence let my letter
Touch your breast pocket in tender softness
Let my vision hold your mind
As my strong hand shall press on
Ever yours, ever yours.

Stay the same
Stay the same
Stay the same

Eternity (day 607)

I’ve fallen into a pool of bliss
One that reaches up
And smothers my every thought
With kindness and feeling

I’ve been taken away to an oasis
On an island of ten thousand floating orchids
Where sun hazes each thought into a dance
With graceful arms that arch and moan

I’ve lifted my head up to the sky
Seen the clouds dance before my eyes
And smiled at them
Allowing them to feel my gracious delight

Business, As Usual (day 267)

I wander the streets in a seeming cloud of confusion
Faces laughing, talking, swearing in my ear
Sometimes at me, most of the time amongst themselves
And I think: “How obscure this society is,
How little their lives seem to impact mine
Yet without their nonchalance about my business
I would have no business at all”
So it is this way, that I wander through town
Looking upward at the rooftops above
Smiling at strangers, that are confused with my gaze
I notice their inadvertent discomfort at seeing my own eyes
Staring right back at them, with a smile written across their lids
But mostly I notice their interest, behind the scenes

People usually have their own agendas
Scuttling here and there to get done what is to be done
Ignorance yells at me, through some of their gazes
Yet, in some, I see interest and kindness

Today an old lady stopped me in the street
“Isn’t it beautiful” she asked of me
“Look up” I directed
As we both gazed up at the high rise
Which just then, in that moment that we stood there
Had turned a magical gold
We both realized and were inspired by the act of sharing
What a few words of kindness can do towards a better tomorrow